Need To Know

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2 months later
Jasmine POV

Two months, thats how long it had been since Joe walked away from me and we haven't really spoken since. Colby had tried talking to him but he just didn't want to know, he said it wasn't his problem until the dna was done.

Randy on the other hand had been very supportive and was helping me out whenever he could, but he was also getting more and more attached to a baby that may not be his. Whenever he visited her would talk to my bump and he try to feel the baby move and I felt guilty becuase I was allowing him to get attached when it might not be his.

So I had decided that at my hospital appointment today that I would find it if there was a way to find out the paternity sooner rather than later.

"You ready to go?" Randy asks as I pull on my jacket

"Yeah I'm ready" I say giving him a small smile, I had tried to convince him not to come today but he had insisted, I had given Joe the option to be there but he refused.

At the hospital

"Ok Miss Knowles you weight is a little lower than I would like but other than that everything seems ok" the Doctor says looking over my notes "are you eating well?"


"No she's barely eating enough to keep a sparrow alive" Randy cuts in " I've tried to get her to eat but she just says she's not hungry"

"I know your situation is difficult and stressful which can affect your appetite" the doctors says "but for the baby's sake you need to eat"

"Alright I will make more of an effort" I say "Randy would you mind if I spoke to the doctor alone please?" I ask and Randy nods before leaving the room "ok I want to know if there is anyway to find out the paternity of my baby before it's born?"

"There is a procedure we can do, we would insert a needle upto the cervix and take take a tissue sample from the uterine wall" he explains "it's invasive and it carries a 1 in 100 risk of miscarriage"

"1 in 100?" I ask and he nods "alright how soon can I have it done?"

"I can book you in next week but are you sure you want to do this?" He asks

"Doctor I have one potential father who is getting far to attached to a baby that may not be his and the other is refusing to take any interest until the dna is done, so yeah I'm sure" I say

"Very well" he says handing my two swabs "we'll need a cheek swab from each of them, bring them with you next week and then we'll take the sample from you"

"Thank you" I say

"No problem" he says "now if you want to go ahead and have your ultrasound, your at the right point to find out what you are having if you wish"

Nodding I leave the room and find Randy pacing outside when he sees me he rushes straight over to me.

"Everything ok?" He asks

"Yeah everythings fine" I say "I'm going down for my scan, I'd prefer to do it alone if that's ok"

"Sure if that's what you want I'll wait here" he says

Heading into the scan room I'm nervous, I wanted everything to be fine with the baby and I know I haven't been taking very good care of myself.
The nurse places the gel on my stomach and begins the scan and there on the screen is my baby, I'm hit by a wave of pure love and the tears start to fall.

"Would you like to know what you're having?" She asks and I nod I don't even need to think about it. "Ok you're having........a girl" she smiles "I print you off a picture"

"Would it be possible to have three?" I ask and she nods

Once I have the pictures I head back out to find Randy and once again he is pacing.

"Hey how'd it go?" He asks

"Everything is fine and I'm having a girl" I smile handing him one of the pictures

"Wow" he says looking at the picture "that is amazing"

"Oh I need you to do a cheek swab" I say handing him one of the packets

"What for?" He asks

"The paternity test I'm having done next week" I say and his faces drops

"Wait is that safe?" He asks "are there any risks?"

"There is a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage but I'm prepared to take that risk"

Back at the hotel
Randy POV

After dropping Jas back at her room I was angry, becuase I knew why she was doing this, why she was taking that risk, for Joe even though he was being a complete asshole right now she still wants him back.

I had taken the other swab from her and said I would take it to Joe becuase I wanted to have a word with him.

"What do you want?" He snaps as he opens his door

"You and me need to talk" I say " I know you don't like me but Jas is about to do something that I think you should know about"

He steps aside to let me in the room and I take a seat

"So talk already" he says

"She's having a paternity test done next week" I saybplacing the swab down on the table "but there is a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage"

"Well that's her choice" he says crossing his arms

"Could you stop being an asshole for one minute?" I gasp "do you know why she's doing this? Why she's taking this risk?" I ask and he shakes his head "becuase she is hoping that if it says the baby is yours that she will get you back, becuase she is so in love with you that she is prepared to risk that baby's life to get you back"

"What do you want me to do Randy?" He asks "what do you expect from me?"

"That baby could be yours, think of it that way" I say "how would you feel if it was and she lost it?" I ask and for the first time I see some emotion on his face, he actually looks sad

"I'd be heartbroken" he sighs sitting on the bed "it's not that I don't want that baby or that I don't love Jas becuase I do on both counts I just can't get passed what she did"

"You need to talk to her Joe" I say "you maybe the only one who can talk her out of risking that little girls life"

"It's a girl?" He asks and I nod "I always wanted a little girl"

"Look it's up to you, you know the deal" I say "but at least think about it" I say leaving the scan picture on the table before leaving the room

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