Being Civil

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Six months later

Jasmine POV

After staying with my parents for a while I had eventually found a place of my own, any hope I had had of Joe and I sorting things out had long gone. He had come after me the day I moved out but we had just ended up having another row.

Since then we had managed to remain civil for Kalia's sake and Joe has her every weekend he is home, and this was one of those weekends.

As I place the last of Kalia's things in her overnight bag I can't help but wonder how this is affecting her, having to go between two houses six hours apart, not being able to be with us both at the same time.

"Well that's you packed" I say as my one year old smiles at me "now I want you to be a good girl for daddy like always alright" I say before taking her hand and walking her to the stairs

True to my prediction I had missed her first steps, Joe had recorded it but it wasn't the same, but at least one of us got to see it.

"Randy can you give me a hand please" I say as we reach the top of the stairs

"I'm right here" he says taking them two at a time before scooping Kalia up in on arm and taking her bag in the other

"Thanks" I say giving him a quick kiss on the cheek

"How are you two doing?" He asks

"Oh we're good" I smile placing a hand on my bump "I listen I'm going to take a quick shower before Joe gets here I have time, I want to ask him if he wants to come to the scan tomorrow"

"I'll keep this monster occupied then" he smiles "I'll shout you if he turns up"

Nodding I head to the bathroom to take my shower, I'm hoping Joe will say yes, we've been getting along pretty well and I'd like him to be there.


As I drive the last few miles to Jas's place my mind is focused on what I want to say to her, I'm hoping when I get there we can talk, six months without her has damn near killed me and all I want is for her and our children to come home.

The house just hasn't felt the same since they left, so much so that I spend most of my time at my parents when I'm home except when I have Kalia becuase that house is her home whether she lives there or not.

As I pull up on the drive I know I'm early but that was my intention I want us to have time to talk.
I knock on the door and I hear someone call out to Jas.

"Jas, Joe is at the door"

My breath catches, it can't be, why would he be here? As the door opens my worst fear is confirmed as Randy stands before me in the doorway.

"Hey Joe, she's all ready I'll just get her for you" he smiles moving aside to let me in

"Thanks" I say eyeing him suspiciously

When he returns he has Kalia walking by his side holding onto his hand, when she gets to me she reaches up for me to pick her up.

"Hey agelu" I say pulling her into my arms "daddy has missed you so much" I say kissing the side of her head

"Dada" she says catching me completely by suprise

"Did you just say dada?" I ask

"Yeah she did" Randy smiles "that was her first word, how's that for timing"

I say nothing just smile at him before returning my attention to my daughter.

"You are so clever agelu" I say kissing her again "you are growing up so fast"

"Listen Jas won't be long" he says "she'd actually like to talk to you about something"

She probably wants to tell me about her and Randy, and quite frankly I don't want to hear it. The fact that she has moved on hurts enough but that she has gone back to him after everything hurts even more.

"I'm just going to go" I say "I'm staying at a hotel tonight, she can call me if she wants"

I don't give him chance to answer I just grab Kalia's bag and leave.

Jasmine POV

When Randy had shouted up to me I had showered quickly and got dressed, as I clip my wet hair up out of the way I make my way downstairs but when I get down there Joe is nowhere to be seen.

"Hey where is he?" I ask

"He um he left" he says "I told him you wanted to talk to him but he said you could call him, he's staying at hotel tonight"

"Right I'll give him time to get there and then I'll call him" I say

"So is there anything else I can do for you before I leave" he asks

"No you've been great thank you" I smile "but your girlfriend  won't thank me for hogging you all day"

"Oh before I forget when Joe picked Kalia up she said dada" he says

"She did" I gasp "oh I'm so glad he didn't miss that"

After Randy leaves I decide to make myself something to eat before I call Joe, and then it hits me, he didn't know Randy would be here, and I can only imagine what it looked like to him. Forgetting the food I decide to just call him, if he has got the wrong idea I need to set him straight.

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