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Next morning

Jasmine POV

Laying on my side I watch Joe sleep peacefully beside me and I can't help but smile at the fact that we had finally found our way back to each other, it had taken a long time to get here, too damn long if you asked me but that didn't matter now, I had him back and that's what mattered.

Reaching out a gently tuck his hair behind his ear allowing me to see his handsome face, somehow last night he had managed to convince Colby that we still hadn't sorted things out and that it would probably take all night, and we definitely made the most of our alone time.

"Good morning beautiful" he says as his eyes flutter open

"Good morning" I smile

"This I missed the most" he says giving me a gentle kiss "waking up to your beautiful smile"

"You can wake up to it every morning you are here if you like?" I ask

"Oh I have no intention of staying in that spare room" he smirks "not now" he says before biting on his lip the way he always does when he gets nervous about something he wants to say.

"What is it?" I ask

"Move back to Pensacola" he says sitting up "baby I want you to come home, I want you both to come home"

"We've just got back together" I say "don't you think we should take our time?"

"No I don't" he says "I want you back home before little man arrives so technically we don't have time"

"It has to be for good this time" I say and the biggest smile crosses his face "I never want to be without you again"

"You won't be I promise baby, this time we are forever" he says "I love you"

"I love you too" I say pecking his lips "want some coffee?" I ask

"Please, I'll be through in a minute" he says watching as I get out for bed and put on his shirt.

I pad my way to the kitchen lost in my own little world and not really paying attention, I switch on the coffee and start looking for some mugs.

"Well good morning" jumping I turn placing  my hand over my heart and find Colby smiling at me

"Jesus Colb you scared me half to death" I gasp "never frighten a pregnant woman"

"Sorry" he chuckles "I'm guessing you two sorted things out" he says taking a seat at the breakfast bar

"What gave you that impression" I smirk passing him a cup of coffee

"Oh I don't know, it could be that you are wearing Joe's t shirt and little else" he smirks "or it could be that fabulous sex hair you are rocking right now"

"Oh god" I say reaching up and flattening my hair down

"Me locking you two in here was done with the best intentions you know that right?" He asks "all I ever want is for you to be happy"

"I know" I say walking around the breakfast bar and giving him a hug "thank you, and I want you to be happy too, it's about time you found some one"

"I have" he smiles "I wanted to see how it worked out before I said anything but she's great and I'm happy"

"I'm glad" I smile back "it wasn't doing you any good pining after that other girl, it's time you moved on, I know you wouldn't tell me who she was but are you going to tell me who this girl is"

"Becky" he says as his smile gets bigger "she's incredible Jas and she totally accepts my friendship with you, in fact she said she'd like to meet you"

"As in Becky Quinn?" I ask and he nods "that's great Colb I'd love to meet her, you will have to bring her to Pensacola some time"

"Yeah she'd like that..........wait your moving back?" He asks

"Yeah I am" I smile "Joe wants me to come home and I want go home"

"You bet your ass I do" Joe says walking into the room "Well if it isn't the hostage taker"

"Hey it was done with love man, done with love" Colby says holding up his hands

Joe stares him down for a moment and Colby looks genuinely worried, Joe takes a few steps towards him and Colby looks ready to run when Joe holds out his hand and smiles.

"Thanks man" he says as Colby shakes his hand "I honestly can't thank you enough"

"No thanks necessary" he says "just be happy, that's all I ask"

"Oh we will" Joe says wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder

"So have you guys picked a name for him yet" Colby asks motioning towards my bump

"Well Jas has picked a middle name but she's not telling" Joe chuckles "and I've come up with a couple of options for the first name, but I think I know which one I prefer"

"And?" I ask turning to look at Joe and he whispers the name and it's meaning in my ear "oh, that would fit perfectly with the middle name I chose"

"Well don't keep me in suspense" Colby says rubbing his hands together

"His name is Makoa" Joe smiles "it means fearless warrior"

"And his middle name" I say smiling at Joe "is Leati"

Joe smiles at me and presses a soft kiss to my forehead, when he moves back his eyes look a little watery.

"You really want to name him after me?" He asks

"Well actually since you are named after your dad, he is named after both of you" I smile "but yes I want him to be named after you"

"Makoa Leati Anoa'i it is then" he smiles "Thank you baby, I love you"

"I love you too" I say as he presses a kiss to my lips

"I love you both too" Colby chimes in making us laugh "just not that way"

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