Family Plans

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Jasmine POV

Placing Kalia down for her nap I gently stroke her hair and watch her sleep for a moment, the more she grows the more she looks like Joe and that is no bad thing. I know for sure when she is older she will be a heartbreaker and I don't envy any boy that has to get past Joe to date her.

Leaving the room quietly I head downstairs and find Joe sitting at the table staring at the screen of my laptop.

"Hey what are you doing?" I ask as I pad over to him

"come here" he smiles holding out his arm

I walk over and sit myself down on his lap and he wraps his arm around me laying his hand on my bump "you want to take the kids to Samoa right?" he asks and I nod "What do you think of this resort?" I look at the laptop screen and click through the pictures as Joe gently kisses my shoulder.

"Joe it's beautiful" I say scrolling through the images "oh look they do weddings too, the set up is incredible" As I continue to look I feel Joe take hold of my left hand and rub his thumb over my bare ring finger and I instantly feel bad for mentioning it.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned weddings" I say turning to look at him

"Don't worry baby it's fine" he says continuing to rub my hand "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?" I ask

"I know you've said you love me" he sighs "but are you still in love with me?"

"Of course I am" I say cupping his cheek "I will always be in love with you, that will never change, I wouldn't be with you if I wasn't, are you still in love with me?"

"Truly, Madly, Deeply" he smiles "and I fall more everyday"

I lean in and press my lips to his kissing him lovingly, when we break apart he smiles at me and tucks my hair behind my ear and I lean into his touch.

"After Makoa is born and he's old enough to travel we'll book it" he smiles "family holiday to Samoa, we'll stay at that resort and both sets of parents can come, that way we can have some time away from the kids, just the two of us"

"Sounds perfect" I smile

"Almost perfect" he says going right back to rubbing my hand

"Almost?" I ask confused "What do you mean? What's missing?"

"This" he says taking my engagement ring out of his pocket "Marry me Jas?"

"What?" I say genuinely shocked

"Marry me, on Samoa, right there" he says pointing at the laptop screen, my eyes follow his hand and they fall on the image of the wedding set up I had mentioned earlier, turning back to look at Joe he looks a mixture of hopeful and scared, "Damn it I knew I should have waited" he sighs as my silence continues "I'm rushing everything I know, but I love you so damn much and I want............"

"Yes" I say cutting him off

"What?" he asks half shocked, half smiling

"I said yes" I smile "Joe I would love to marry you on Samoa"

Smiling he places the ring back on my finger and kisses me lovingly, he breaks the kiss and then looks at my hand with the ring sparkling on my finger.

"Now it's perfect" he smiles "all I need now is for you to move back home and everything will be as it should be"

"I've been thinking about that, you have a couple of days after the Tampa show right?" I ask and he nods "what do you say to helping me move back home then?"

"Absolutely" he smiles "Everything is ready, agelu has a big girl bed now and Makoa's room is ready"

"You did the nursery again?" I smile

"Yeah" he says blushing a little "I mean he needed a room anyway but my plan for staying with you was that I wasn't going home without you"

 "Joseph Anoa'i you are amazing" I smile

"Only for you three" he says placing a hand over my bump "so how far along are we now?" he asks

"We" I chuckle "Trust me if I could let you have the next one I would, I'm 32 weeks" I say and the smile fades from my face, just lately it hasn't been far from my mind that I had Kalia at 36 weeks and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been worrying about little man being early too.

"Next one?" he asks smiling

"Well yeah we wanted a big family right?" I ask "I mean if you've changed your mind that's fine"

"Baby I haven't changed my mind, I want as many children as I can have" he says "As long as I have them all with you, now I know that look what is on your mind?"

"It's just that Kalia was born at 36 weeks, what if Makoa is early too, what if....."

"Hey don't even go there" he says cutting me off "Everything is going to be fine, but I tell you what, I will take my paternity leave early and that way if he is early I will be right there with you"

"Thank you" I say pecking his lips

"anytime" he smiles "how about we do something to take your mind off it"

"No Joe agelu could wake up any minute" I chuckle

"That's actually not what I was thinking" he chuckles "I was think of you, me and agelu having a day out tomorrow"

"I'd like that" I smile "did you have anywhere in mind?"

"I do but it's a surprise" he smirks "you just make sure you and agelu are ready to go in the morning and I'll handle the rest"

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