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2 years later
Jasmine POV

Six months after our wedding I returned to the wwe as the tribal chieftess, and the bloodline had dominated smackdown. Joe still held the Universal Championship, the twins had lost and regained the tag titles and as for me, I was a three time womens champion and a one time intercontinental champion.

In a year and a half I had achieved everything I had set out to achieve, and that's why I was more than happy to being doing what I was about to do tonight.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Joe asks kissing my cheek as we wait in gorilla "or why you want it to be just us two out there?"

"You'll find out when we get out there" I smile "Trust me.....oh and Steph has given us permission to break character just for tonight"

Stephanie was the only one who knew what was going on, I had wanted this to be as much as a suprise for Joe as it would be for the wwe universe.

"See you out there" I say giving him a quick kiss before heading out the ring and grabbing a mic on the way.

I step into the ring to a mixture of boos and cheers which is the way it has always been and when the crowd dies down I lift the mic to my lips and speak.

"Tonight I'm doing things differently, tonight I'm not just out here as your tribal chieftess" I say "I have a couple of announcements I would like make but before I do that I would like to ask my husband to join me"

Our music hits and Joe walks out still looking completely confused  which makes me smile, when he gets in the ring he gives me a quick kiss before standing beside me.

"Now that the most important person is here in I can begin" I say "now you all know me as Jasmine Reigns, wife of Roman but that's not all I am, I am also Jasmine Anoa'i, wife to Joe and mother of two beautiful children, and that's who is talking to you right now"

I pause for a moment to let the crowd quieten down before I continue.

"I have decided that it is time for me to be Jasmine Anoa'i full time" I say "I am hanging up my boots and devoting myself to my most important role as wife and mother, you see Joe and I have successfully juggled our careers and raising our two children while on the road, Kalia our 3 year old and Makoa our 2 year old" I say before turning to Joe "Joe you wanted to know what was going on and here it is, as of right now I am retiring from wrestling, I have loved every single minute of being your chieftess and each and everyone of you has made that role so much fun"

The crowd starts with chants of thank you Jasmine as Joe hugs me while I wipe my eyes.

"Wait wait there is one more thing" I say "Joe there is a reason I have made this decision, now I could have just left for a while and come back but I knew in my heart that wasn't what I wanted, not this time around" I say and Joe raises an eyebrow at me, this was it he was about to find out why I hadn't wrestled for a while, why I had been wearing baggy clothes alot and why we were out here now.

"Joe our little family of four is going to be a family of six" I smile as his jaw practically hits the floor.
As he watches I remove the hoodie I'm wearing to show the small bump I already have at only 12 weeks.

"You.....you're pregnant?" He stutters "twins?" He asks and I nod

Joe kisses me before lowering himself to his knees and kissing my bump as the crowd cheers. He stands and holds me for a moment before we head out of the ring and backstage.

"Is this really happening?" Joe asks still in shock "you're really pregnant?"

"Yes I'm really pregnant" I smile "are you happy?" I ask

"Baby I am over the moon" he smiles taking me in his arms "but we weren't even trying"

"Some times happy little accidents happen" I say "but this time it happened at the right time, I've done everything I want to do so I have no problem walking away"

"I love you so much baby" he says kissing me "and I can't wait to meet these two" he says placing a hand on my bump.

Although I was sad to be leaving wwe at the same time I was ready, I was ready to close this chapter and start this new one, I was ready to expand my family with Joe and most of all I was ready to just be Jasmine Anoa'i.

A/n I can't believe it has finally come to an end 😭

Thank you to everyone that has read, voted and commented on this story, your support and love for this story has meant so much to me so thank you ❤❤

Special thanks go to

xMrsHardy and Joy_of_life88 for your constant support and love for this story, I appreciate you both so much ❤❤ and Joy_of_life88 I hope the emotional roller coaster was worth it 😊

While this story may be finished I do have another Roman Reigns story, Safe Haven, please feel free to check that out and thank you once again to everyone for the reads, votes and comments ❤❤

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