A Favour

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Next day
Jasmine POV

"Joe, Colby wants me to get lunch with him" I call through the bathroom door

"That's fine baby, in fact that's perfect" he calls back "give me a chance to do something I need to do"

"Oh anything I can help with?" I ask

"Nope" he says opening the door and smiling at me "your beautiful self just needs to go have fun with your best friend" he says standing behind me and kissing my cheek "I don't know why you bother with make up, you don't need it, you're gorgeous just as you are" he says wrapping his arms around me and looking at me i  the mirror

"Sometimes it's nice to make an effort" I smile

"Well I need to get going" he says "I will see you later, have fun with Colby" he says kissing my cheek before he leaves the room completely.

I have absolutely no idea what he is doing or what he is up to and it's the first I've heard of there being something he needs to do I just hope that I'm worrying for nothing.

I finish getting ready and head down to the lobbybto meet Colby, he greets me with open arms and walk into his embrace.

"God I missed your hugs" he chuckles and I chuckle with him "I think this was the first time we'd been apart and quite frankly I hated it"

"I missed you too Colby" I smile and the second he looks at my face  his expression changes

"What's wrong?" He asks "what's on your mind?"

"It's Joe" I sigh as we walk out of the hotel "he said he has something he needs to do but didn't say what"

"Oh I get it" he says "You're worrying, well trust me you don't need to"

"Do you know what he's doing?" I ask looking up at him

"I do but I'm sworn to secrecy" he smirks

"So thats why you invited me to lunch?" I laugh "he wanted me out of the way"

"Yes but I also wanted to spend time with my best friend" he says


Walking into the hotel gym I spot the man im looking for almost immediately. I walk over to him but he doesn't notice as he has his headphones on so I gently tap his shoulder.

"Oh hey Joe what's up?" Nick as placing his headphones around his neck

"I'm kind of hoping you can help me" I say nervously "I need a favour"

"What do you need?" He asks

"Can you teach me to dance" I say almost inaudibly through gritted teeth

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that" he smirks

"Can you teach me to dance?" I repeat a little louder

"Sure, are we talking club dancing or something else?" He asks

"Actually it's for our first dance at the wedding" I say "I know it's important to Jas, she's said she's happy to not do it but I don't want her to miss out, I don't want to let her down"

"No problem" he says "let me get showered up and I'll meet you up at your room and we can get started"

"Thanks man" I nod "I appreciate it"

An hour later

I answer the door finding Nick standing there with his ipod and speakers, I step aside and let him in the room.

"Alright I think the best thing to show you is a waltz" he says starting a slow song "ok stand in front of me and place your right hand on my waist"

"Dude I am not putting my hand on your waist" I say shaking my head

"It's the only way i can teach you" he says "you need to lead so I need to be the woman, or we can just forget it and let Jas go without"

"Alright, alright" I sigh standing infront of him and doing as he asked

"Good now take my hand with your other one" he says "listen to the music and get a 1,2,3 beat in your mind, then step forward with your left foot"

I do as he asks and immediately stand on his toes

"Damn I'm sorry" I say

"My bad I didn't step back fast enough" he says wincing slightly "ok step forward with your left foot then step forward and to the right with your right foot"

I do as he asks this time getting it right

"Good now shift your weight to your right foot and then slide your left foot over to your right foot" he says watching my feet as we move "not bad, you know I don't think it's going to take you long to get this"

"Don't get too confident just yet" I laugh "I just hope Colby keeps her at lunch long enough that she doesn't walk in on this"

"Ok for now just focus on this becuase you are now moving in the opposite direction to me" he laughs

"Told you" I laugh "this is why I wouldn't dance with her at the club"

"How long til the wedding?" He asks

"Six months and counting" I smile

"Plenty of time" he says "you'll be dancing like a pro by then"

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