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A/n Just a quick, massive thank you to xMrsHardy for the new cover, I love it, it's perfect and you are the best ❤

Next day
Jasmine POV

I had been frantically going round the house cleaning, tidying up just anything thing I could think of. My parents would be here any minute, I was nervous as hell and I needed something anything to distract me.

"Baby you need to relax" Joe says placing his hands on my shoulders and kissing my cheek

"I'm so nervous, it's been so long" I say leaning back against him

"Everything is going to be fine" he soothes "I'll be right here with you"

"Have I ever told you, you're amazing and I love you" I say turning and standing on my toes to press a kiss to his lips

"I think you might have" he chuckles "I love you too, both of you"

Just then there is a knock at the door, Joe smiles lovingly at me kisses my forehead and walks over to the door. The second he opens it my mum makes a beeline for me as though he's not even standing there.

"My baby" she says taking me in her arms and I hug her right back.

"Hey mum" I say clinging to her just as much as she is clinging to me

"Look at you" she says taking a step back from me but keeping hold of my hands "You're absolutely glowing.......oh my these are beautiful" she says noticing the photo wall Joe had created "oh my god" she says turning to Joe "Joe I am so sorry, how rude of me, I just haven't seen her in such a long time, forgive me its lovely to meet you"

"It's lovely to meet you too Mrs Knowles" he smiles "and it's no problem at all, I'm more than happy to leave the three of you to catch up"

"It's Sandra and you will do no such thing, we are here to see you both" she says

I'm about to ask where my dad is when he walks through the door with the bags.

"Here let me take those" Joe says moving to help him "I'll take these up to your room for you"

"Thank you Joe" he says "it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Nick"

"Pleasure to meet you too Nick" he says shaking his hand "ill be right back"

"Damn I bet he could crack walnuts with that ass" my mum says watching him climb the stairs

"Mum" I say laughing loudly

"Don't worry she got the worst of it out her system on the drive here" my dad chuckles "hey pumpkin"

"Hey dad" I say giving him a hug "listen I know you will have lots of questions but I need you not to mention marriage in front of Joe"

"Any particular reason?" My mum asks

"He's recently divorced and he doesn't want to get married again" I say "and I'm fine with that, I'm happy just to be with him" I say and its not entirely untrue

"As long as you're happy that's all that matters" she smiles

I lead them into the living room and we all take a seat, moments later Joe joins us and sits beside me.

"I'm sorry, do either of you want anything to drink?" Joe asks

"We're fine thank you" my mum smiles "and can I just say Joe the camera does not do you justice at all"

"Sandra for petes sake" my dad chuckles "stop drooling over the boy"

"It's fine honestly Nick" Joe chuckles "and thank you I appreciate the compliment"

"So do you know what you're having or is it a suprise?" My mum asks

"We're having a girl" I smile "we have a name but aren't revealing it yet, Joe is half samoan so we picked samoan names for her"

"Well Jas picked them" he says smiling down at me "it was an unexpected suprise for me"

"It's a beautiful home you have here Joe" my dad says

"Thank you, I can give you a tour if you like?" He offers

"I'd like that" my dad smiles

"Baby why don't you show your mum the nursery while I show your dad around" he says helping me stand

I head upstairs with my mum while Joe shows my dad around the ground floor, walking to the door of the nursery I turn to my mum and smile.

"I can't take any credit for this it's all Joe and the twins" I say

"The twins?" She asks

"Yeah Jimmy and Jey, the usos, they are his cousins" I say

"You've certainly surrounded yourself with beautiful men" she laughs and I smile.

I show her into the room and her jaw drops as she looks around.

"Wow honey this man is a keeper" she says "don't you ever let go of him"

"I have no intentions of doing so" I smile "I love him mum, I really really love him"

"I could tell as soon as you looked at each other" she smiles "I'm so happy you finally found a good man"

"What?" I ask

"You know I was never sure about Randy" she says "and you seem much happier with Joe"

"I am" I smile "please don't mention his name infront of Joe"

"Why what happened between them?" She asks

"Nothing, it's just not long after Joe and I got together we had a row, we split up, Randy came to see me and well things happened, the next day Joe showed up we sorted things out, anyway three months later I found out I was expecting her and you can guess the rest"

"Oh honey, she is Joe's isn't she?" She asks

"Yeah she is" I say "we had a dna done, but before that we didn't speak for two months, Joe was hurt and angry and then we found out that Randy knew she wasn't his but let us go through two months of hell, hence why Joe doesn't like him"

"I knew it, I knew Randy was no good" she says "are things with you and Joe good now?"

"Yeah things are great" I smile "we are happy, we're excited to meet our daughter and just be a family"

"So when do I get to see that handsome best friend of yours" she smiles "it's been a long time since I've seen him"

"He's on the road at the moment but I'm sure we can arrange something" I smile "I'm glad I have you both back in my life, I've missed you"

"We've missed you too honey" she says giving me a hug "and we will help you out in any way we can when little miss arrives, whatever you need"

"Thanks mum" I say "you have no idea what that means to me"

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