A Suprise For Mummy

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3 months later

Hearing the muffled sounds of my daughters cries through the baby monitor I ease myself out of bed carefully so as not to wake Jas. After our talk I had kept to my word, I had shown her everyday how much I loved her and I had and I had backed off so that we could care for Kalia together.

Once I returned to work we had agreed that when I was home I could take over with Kalia to give Jas a break, which worked perfectly for what I had planned today.

Walking in to the nursery I find my little girl wriggling in her cot and I know before I reach her why she is crying.

"Good morning sweetheart, some one needs their diaper changed" I laugh as I pick her up and carry her over to the changing table.

"Alright, let's get you cleaned up and dressed" I say laying her down gently "Daddy needs your help to suprise mummy today"

I remove her baby grow and quickly find that she hasn't just filled her diaper there has been some sort of explosion but I can't help but smile as she gurgles at me while I clean her up.

"I bet that feels better doesn't it" I say fastening the clean diaper before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek "I love you babygirl"

I get her dressed putting on the special outfit I had sorted out for today and take her down to the kitchen to do her bottle, her early morning and night feeds are done by bottle at my insistence so that I don't have to wake Jas.

I place the car seat on the counter and place her into it so that I can warm her bottle up. Once it's done I lift her up and take her over to the couch, I sit down and place the bottle near her lips and she takes it straight away.

"I'm not going to lie babygirl, daddy is nervous" I say as I watch her drink "I want today to go perfectly, becuase I love your mummy very much"

Jasmine POV

Waking up alone when Joe is home is not unusual and I knew he would be downstairs feeding Kalia like he always does. As I do every morning I pull his pillow close to me and breath in his scent only this time I hear something crinkle.

When I look I find a note stuck to his pillow

Good morning beautiful, I love you x

Smiling at his romantic gesture I get myself out of bed and go to the bathroom to get myself ready, when I walk in I find another note stuck to the mirror.

You look perfect, stop worrying x

I have no idea what he is up to today with all these sweet notes but I like it, I have a quick wash and get dressed before tying my hair back and heading downstairs.

I find Joe sat on the couch feeding Kalia I walk over and wrap my arms around his shoulders from behind and kiss his cheek.

"Good morning, I love you too" I say and he smiles "thank you for the notes I loved them"

"You're welcome, but I'm not done" he says "today I'm going to show you exactly how much I love you"

"I like the sound of that" I say "you want coffee?"

"Yes please" he says "she's almost done and then I'll make breakfast"


As Jas leaves the room I look down at my daughter and smile

"Alright babygirl you're up" I say "I need you to dig down deep and fill that diaper for me ok"

Kalia gurgles up at me and wriggles a little before filling her diaper just as I asked, placing the bottle on the table I get uo and carry her through to the kitchen.

"Jas baby?" I ask as I walk in "would you mind changing Kalia, she just filled her diaper and I need to go to the bathroom myself"

"Sure" she says taking her from me "wow daddy wasn't kidding was he sweetpea" she chuckles

"I'll be in as soon as I'm done" I says kissing the side of her head

"Oh I think we can handle a stinky diaper don't you" she coos at Kalia and she gurgles back at her.

I follow her upstairs ducking into the bathroom as she heads to the nursery with Kalia, I wait a few moments before following her in and getting myself into position.

Jasmine POV

"Ok let's see what kind of mess you made" I say as I lay my daughter down on the changing table.

I undo the dungarees that Joe has but her in and when I pull them down something catches my eye "what are you wearing?" I asks as I smooth out her baby grow so that I can see whats on it, and the second I do my hand goes over my mouth and the tears fall.

Right there on her baby grow are the words mummy will you marry daddy?

As Kalia gurgles and wriggles I stand there shocked, shaking and tearful, the one thing I thought would never happen was happening, I hear a noise behind me and turn to find Joe down on one knee smiling and holding out a box with a beautiful diamond ring inside.

"Jas I told you that today I was going to show you exactly how much I love you, I love you more than anything in this world and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side" he says his own eyes filling with tears "you and Kalia are the best things to ever happen to me, so what do you say baby? Will you marry me and be Mrs Anoa'i?"

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