Don't Love Lightly

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Jasmine POV

When I came home I had never expected that I would end up in bed with two different men mere hours apart, yet here I was laying with my head resting on yet another warm naked body only this time the man is question was meant to be here, he was the one I wanted, the one I needed, the one I loved.

True I had found myself in this position mere moments after letting the first guy out of the house but the only guilt I felt was to Randy, I knew it had meant more to him then it had to me and yet I let it happen all the same. When it came to Joe there was no guilt, I hadn't cheated on him, we weren't together yesterday and so he really didn't need to know.

"How are you feeling baby girl?" He asks in his usual deep, soothing seductive voice

"I feel great but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to able to move for a while" I chuckle "you weren't kidding when you said it would be worth the wait"

"You know when I saw Randy I thought for sure I'd sent you running into another man's arms" he sighs "but I'm glad I was wrong"

"Randy and I split a year a go it's way over" I say and he looks down at me

"You two dated?" He asks

"Yeah for a bout a year and a half" I say "he was my second sort of serious relationship, but up until you I had never been in love"

"So I'm your third?" He asks and I nod "but I'm the first person you've been in love with?"

"Yep the very first" I smile and he smiles right back

"I can live with that" he chuckles "so your first one, was he in the business?"

"No that was before I got into wrestling" I say "lasted 3 years but ended the for the same reason me and Randy did, they were in love but I wasn't"

"Does he have a name?" He asks

"Mm Hayley" I say and he chuckles

"You it's crazy I'm in love with you and I know so little about you" he says "I had no idea you were..."

"Bisexual?" I say "yeah not many people do only Colby knows"

"What about your family?" He asks "do they know?"

"Yeah they know, but they don't accept it" I say "needless to say we don't speak, but anyway enough about me, let's talk about you, how many times have you been in love?" I ask

"Twice, Galina and then you" he says smiling at me "love is something I don't play around with, I don't love lightly, but when I do love I love with everything I have"

"Wow then I consider myself lucky" I say snuggling further in to him "so just two serious relationships?" I ask

"Yeah I had a couple other girlfriends but nothing serious" he says "so what else don't I know about you?" He asks with a smile

"There's nothing else to know" I shrug "unless there is something specific you had in mind?" I ask

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks smiling as he rolls me onto my  back so that he is looking down at me

"I don't know do I?" I ask smiling back at him

"That depends" he says "would you like to have a 6ft 3in handsome samoan man who is deeply in love with you as your boyfriend?" He asks with a smirk

"I'd love to" I say moving his hair out of his face and cupping his cheek

"Then yes you have a boyfriend" he says before leaning down and capturing my lips with his. My hands travel up his back and into his hair as he moves his kisses along my jawline and down my neck. Lost in the sensation of his lips on my skin it's not long before my body is aching for him.

His hand travels down my body stopping at my thigh, he lifts my leg wrapping it around him as he positions himself between my legs

"Joe" I sigh as I close my eyes "don't start something your not going finish"

"Oh baby I have every intention of finishing" he smirks against my neck "more than once"

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