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One week later - night before smackdown

Jasmine POV

Standing in front of the mirror I was making sure I looked presentable for our dinner with Paul tonight, well as presentable as I can be when everything makes me look like I have a basketball stuffed under my clothes.

"You look beautiful baby" Joe says leaning against the door frame

"Thank you" I smile

"You looking forward to discussing plans with Paul?" He asks

"Yeah I am, but let me make one thing clear Mr Anoa'i I will not be bowing down to you" I say and he smirks

"You don't wanna get on your knees for me baby?" He asks wrapping his arms around me and looking at me in the mirror

"I have worked too damn hard to become some weak ass woman who bows down to her pretend husband" I say and he chuckles against my neck

"I wasn't talking about work" he smirks

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I say and we both laugh

"Lets get going" he smiles "becuase if we don't go now I'm going to take you out of this dress and have my way with you"

"You know we could have dinner with him another night" I say and he laughs

"Tempting but he is already waiting for us" he says

I follow Joe out of our hotel room disappointed that I couldn't convince him to take me to bed instead of to dinner. He takes my hand lacing his fingers with mine as we wait for the elevator.

"Don't be disappointed" he says "theres always later when we get back" he smiles

When we arrive at the restaurant we are lead over to a table in a private area and Paul is indeed there waiting for us, as we approach he stands up and holds his hand out to Joe.

"Joe" he says shaking his hand "and Jasmine lovely to see you again" he says giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek "I can't believe I finally get you as a heyman girl"

"Well that depends on what plans you have because as I told Joe I have no intention of bowing down to him" I say

"Oh no absolutely not" Paul says as we all sit down "my plan is this, you two will be the ultimate power couple, roman reigns reigning defending universal champion, jasmine reigning defending smackdown womens champion, you would be unstoppable" he says excitedly

"Hmm keep talking" I say and I hear a rumble of laughter from Joe

"The tribal chief and cheiftess, you would be untouchable, the two of you will rule the show" he says "what do you think?"

"I love it" I smile "now since Joe has back up in Jimmy and Jey I assume I will have backup of my own?"

"Oh yes of course" he says "do you have anyone in mind?"

"Yes I'd like Sarona and Nattie" I say "I know Nattie isn't "family" but since I'm an outsider it makes sense for me to have some one who isn't "family"" I say

"I will speak to Stephanie and get her approval" he says "I think they would be perfect as your back up, they are already heels and the they are the womens tag champs, if you two get your prospective championships and the twins get the tag belts it will be absolutely perfect" he says

"That just leaves the intercontinental belt" I say and they both look at me "well if we are going to rule the show it makes sense to go for all the gold on smackdown"

"I like the way my cheiftess is thinking" Joe says wrapping an arm around me and kissing my cheek

"I love this woman" Paul says kissing my hand and we all laugh "I'm going to like having you as my client, I have one final detail that I think will make things interesting"

"Oh and whats that?" Joe asks

"You will be equals of course but, Jasmine will be the good cop to your bad cop if you will, when you shout at the twins she will reassure them, besides me she will be the only person you listen to" he says

"But doesn't that make me his weakness?" I ask

"Exactly" he says "or at least that is how it will seem, then people will think they can use you to get to him, it's a great way to set up fueds for Joe"

"What do yout think baby?" I ask Joe who looks deep in thought

"Let's do it" he smiles "what about Jas will I be her weakness?"

"But of course, you are each others only weakness" he says "besides of course your daughter"

"No I'm not having her involved" I say "I don't want her face everywhere I want her to have some form of a normal life"

"I agree" Joe says "our daughter is a no go, she will not be part of this"

"That is absolutely fine, it was only an idea" he says "so I'm thinking leading up to your maternity leave you can make a few backstage appearances with Joe but in your face character, that way when you return as his wife and a heel it will be a suprise for the fans"

"I'm fine with that" I say

"Me too but she goes no where near the ring" Joe says "I do not want her where her and the baby could get hurt"

"Of course it will be backstage only" Paul says "you know I think this is going to be the start of something incredible"

"To ruling smackdown" Joe smiles holding up his glass

"To ruling smackdown" Paul and I say together chinking our glasses with Joes

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