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Jasmine POV

As Joe and I make our way through the carpark to our rental car we here footsteps right behind us.

"Jasmine, Roman can I ask you a couple of questions before you leave?" Kayla calls out as she catches up to us with a camera man in tow, of course they want us to do an interview, rolling my eyes I turn to face her.

"Sure Kayla, what would you like to know?" I ask

"That was some speech you gave out there, is Roman really your husband?" She asks

"Really" I ask "out of everything I said that is what you pick up on? Yes he's really my husband, I'm not in the habit of lying"

"Are you really going after the intercontinental championship?" She asks

"Again I'm not in the habit of lying" I snap "yes I'm going after the intercontinental belt, and I'm going to take it, just like I'm going to take the smackdown women's title"

"Roman what did it take to convince Jasmine to join you?" She asks and Joe's mouth forms into a sneer

"What kind of stupid ass question is that?" He snaps "we do not need to explain ourselves to you, come on baby we don't have to deal with his crap" he says placing a hand on my lower back and leading me away.

As we walk to the car I notice Joe shaking his head and I know that last question has annoyed him slightly.

"Didn't like that last question huh?" I ask

"Not really, I mean what kind of question was that" he says "what did they want me to say that I fucked you into submission?"

Although I know he's being serious and he is genuinely annoyed I can't help but burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter and despite his best efforts to fight it he starts laughing with me.

"I'm sorry baby" I laugh "It's just I can just picture Vince's face if you said that on live tv"

"He'd have a fit and then he'd have my ass" he chuckles

Joe places our bags into the trunk and we get into the car and head back to the hotel, while it feels good to be back at work I do miss my baby girl but I know she's in good hands.

Couple of hours later

"Damn you really did like that outfit" I chuckle as lay in the bed tangled up with Joe and observe the carnage of scattered clothes and bedding around the room.

"What can I say you looked damn hot" he says as he kisses my lips

I'm about to say something when I hear my phone bing but as I look around the room I have no clue as to where it or my handbag ended up.

"Baby where's my handbag?" I ask as I get out of the bed

"Try over by the door underneath your jacket" he says "I'm pretty sure that's where you dropped it"

I pad over to the door and lift up my jacket and sure enough my bag is right where he said it would be, taking out my phone is see I have a massage from Joe's mum.

"It's your mum" I say sitting on the bed "I hope Kalia is alright"

"Relax I'm sure she's fine" he says kissing my shoulder as I open the message and find a video.

I hit play and I find the she more than OK as I was her hold on to the couch and pull herself up onto her feet, as I see our six month old stand for the first time my eyes fill with tears and I look at Joe to see complete pride on his face

"Agelu is growing up fast" he says "she'll be walking in no time"

"Oh I hope we don't miss her first steps" I sigh

"I'm sure my mum will film it if we aren't there" he says

"Yeah but its not the same" I say

"I know but if we miss it with her we could always get to see it with our next baby" he says kissing my shoulder again

"Speaking of that" I say "we need to be more careful, we don't want any happy little accidents just yet"

"I wouldn't say no to having another baby with you" he smirks

"I know and we will have more just not yet" I say "I want to have a good run with this, I want to see how far we can take it before I have to give it up"

"Alright from now on we'll be careful" he smiles

I place a soft kiss on his cheek before turning my attention back to the phone and watching the video once more, I can't help the smile that crosses my face as I watch her pull herself up, and I also can't help but wonder how many other firsts we might miss.

"I'm going to take a shower" he says getting off the bed "you want to join me?"

As I look at him standing at the bathroom door in all his naked glory wearing nothing but that beautiful smile of his I know there is only one answer to his question, I mean how on earth could anyone say no to him.

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