Packing Up

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Jasmine POV

The whole flight I had chewed Randy's ear off about what had happened between Joe and I and honestly if felt good to talk to someone outside of our circle.

By the time the flight arrived in Pensacola Randy had kindly offered to drive me back to my now ex home, he had also offered to drive me to Tampa but since that included a stop off at Joe's parents to get Kalia and then driving to my parents I had declined, the last thing I needed right now was for someone to tell, Joe they had seen me with Randy and him thinking something was going on between us, things were bad enough without that.

Walking into the house I head to the downstairs closet and pull out three big cases two for my stuff and one for Kalia's. I head upstairs to what was our room and squeeze as much of my stuff as I can into the two cases.

Once that is done I head to the nursery this time making sure that Kalia has everything she will need while also making sure there will still be enough here for when Joe has her.

After dragging the cases downstairs and into the trunk of my car along with all the other things Kalia requires I head back inside, standing in the kitchen I slowly slide the ring off my finger feeling my heart break as I do, placing it down on the counter I turn on my heel and leave beginning the drive to Joe's parents.

"Jasmine you're back early" Joe's mum says as she walks up the drive to greet me looking both confused and concerned, before looking past me at my car "whats going on? What is your car packed up?"

"Joe and I have split up" I say "I'm moving out, I'm going to my parents"

"Oh no, why you two were so happy" she says

"I found out I'm pregnant" I say "it was a shock, it took some getting used to but Joe and I had a row becuase he took what I said the wrong way and then I said something in anger that I didn't mean and he left me"

"I'm so sorry" she says hugging me "I assume you have come for Kalia"

"Yes but he can visit whenever he wants I would never stop him seeing either of them" I say

"I know you wouldn't" she says leading me back to the house.

Within in minutes she is back with my baby girl in her arms and her overnight bag, when she sees me she reaches out for me and I take her in my arms.

"Hey sweetpea I've missed you" I say kissing the side of her head "you and mummy are going to go visit your other grandma and grandad"

"Please keep in touch" Patricia says squeezing my hand "I know you two will sort this out"

"I will" I say before leaving and putting Kalia in the car.


All I had managed to do since a left the hotel was drive round in a circle, I had been mentally kicking myself for walking out on my pregnant fiancée.

This was the last thing I wanted, I didn't want things to be over between us but the thought that she would abort our child was more than I could bear.

Pulling up in the hotel carlot I head inside only to be greeted with a panicking Colby.

"Please tell me she's with you?" He says placing his hands on my shoulders

"Who?" I ask

"Jas who else dumbass" he gasps

"No she's not with me I'm just on my way to talk to her" I say

"She's not there" he says "I went back to your room to check on her and there was no answer, reception said she checked out, so I went to Steph and she said she handed over the belt and........"

"She's keeping the baby?" I ask suddenly feeling like a complete fool

"Will you let me finish" he snaps "she quit, apparently it means nothing to her without you by her side"

"She what........." I start but I am quickly cut off by my phone ringing

"Hey mum is everything ok?" I ask

"Jas was just here, she has taken Kalia and is going to her parents" she sighs

"Wait what do you mean?" I ask

"She's moved out Leati" she says and my heart sinks "you can't just let her go, you two need to sort things out, she is the best thing to ever happen to you"

"I know mum, I know" I sigh before we end the call

"I am such a fucking idiot" I snap putting my phone away

"What's happened?" Colby asks

"She's moved out, she picked up Kalia and she has gone to her parents" I say punching the wall "I really fucked up this time, she's left me"

"Wait I thought you left her?" Colby asks looking confused

"It may have seemed that way when I left but I didn't actually leave her" I say "that's why I came back to sort things out"

"Jeez I really need to bang both of your heads together" he says shaking his head "you've both taken things the wrong way and look where that's gotten you"

"Man what am I going to do?" I ask running my hand down my face

"Oh I don't know" he says sarcastically "go after her and sort this shit out" he shouts flailing his arms around which makes me chuckle a little "I wish you all the luck in the world, now I need to go lie down becuase you two have successfully given me a headache"

As I use my phone to check for flights I can only hope that I can fix this, and that I haven't lost her for good

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