Home Part 2

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Jasmine POV

After spending a few more moments in the nursery Joe and I head back downstairs to join the twins. As we walk down the stairs the twins give me big broad grins and I smile back.

"What do you think Jazzy?" Jey asks

"I love it it's perfect" I smile

"You told momma we helped you right?" Jimmy asks and I laugh

"No he didn't" I say "but thank you both of you" I say giving them each a hug

"I can't believe you tried to take all the credit" Jey huffs making me laugh even more

"Sorry uce that was wrong of me" Joe says "I guess I was just desperate to impress her"

"Joe baby you don't need to impress me, you already have me" I say cupping his cheek, leaning in he presses his lips against mine grabbing two handfuls of my ass as he does so.

"Yeah uce, you go for it it man" Jimmy cheers and I burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter

"Alright I think it's time for you two to leave" Joe laughs "thanks for all your help"

"No problem uce we'll see you both later" Jey smiles as they both leave

"Later?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Um my parents would like to meet you" he says nervously "but if you don't want to it's fine we can put it off for a little bit"

"I'd love to meet them" I smile

"Really?" He smiles and I nod "thank you baby, it means alot to me,  how about I give you a tour of the house and grounds?"

"I'd like that" I say

Joe takes me round the house showing me the living area, kitchen, utility room, bathrooms and the other bedrooms. He guides me outside where there is a decked area, a pool and a brick built bbq.

"And down there is a private beach" he says standing behind me and wrapping his arms around me "we can have family beach days without being bothered by fans, and we can keep our little one safe" he says placing his hands on my bump "of course I'm going to teach her to swim in the pool before I let her near the ocean"

"How long have you lived here?" I ask

"I bought it the year after I started with wwe" he says "with the intention of it being a family home"

"Wow you knew what you wanted back then huh" I say

"I've always known that I wanted a family" he says "after wrestling it's the most important thing to me, I want to be the best father and partner I can be, if I can be half the man my father is I'll be happy"

"Tell me about your dad?" I say turning to face him

"I look up to him" he smiles "he showed me what it means to be a good father, work took him away alot but when was home we had his full attention and he always tried his best to make it to football games and other events we had going on, he let us know that we were loved and we were just as important to him as his job"

As he talks about his father I see his face light up and I can't help but smile at the thought that he is more like his father then he thinks.

"Our baby girl may not be here yet" I say taking his face in my hands "but you are more like your father than you think, you let me know everyday that I am loved and how important I am to you. When we are together I always have your full attention so there is no doubt in my mind that you will be the perfect father to Kalia"

"You have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that" he smiles "and you are going to be the perfect mother to our daughter"

"Yeah well I intend to make a better damn job of it then my mother did" I say "I will love and accept her no matter who or what she is" I say cradling my bump

"You miss them don't you" he says lifting my chin so I look at him

"Everyday" I say wiping away a stray tear

"Then why don't you reach out to them" he says

"Can we not talk about it please" I say

"Alright" he says pulling me close and kissing the top of my head "but promise me you will think about it, for Kalia's sake" he says placing a hand on my bump

"I promise I will think about it" I say "but I can't promise I will do it"

"Thats enough for me" he says "ti amo bellissima"

"What?" I say looking up at him

"It's italian" he chuckles "it means I love you beautiful"

"I love you too" I smile "I didn't know you spoke italian"

"Yeah I'm half Italian" he smiles "my mother is italian, I also speak samoan"

"Say something to me in Samoan" I say and he smiles

"Lo'u alofa, lo'u fatu" he says softly

"That's beautiful what does it mean?" I ask

"My love, my heart" he smiles

"You know I've always thought your voice was sexy, but damn is it sexier when you speak another language" I say and he chuckles

"And here's me thinking it was my body and touch that got you all hot and bothered" he smirks pulling me closer

"Oh they do but your voice does a pretty good job all on it's own" I say running my hands up his body

"Hmm we have some time before we have to leave" he says in my ear "how bout we christen that new bed I bought"

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