Start Of Forever Pt 2

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Jasmine POV

After making sure the coast was clear the girls lead me down to the lobby where my dad is waiting for me with Colby. Both of them start to cry when they see me and it's all I can do not to cry with them.

"You look beautiful" Colby says hugging me gently

"Shouldn't you be out there with Joe?" I ask

"I wanted to see you" he smiles "and I have to walk the kids down the aisle remember"

"Of course" I chuckle "well you better get going"

"See you out there Jas" he says giving me one last hug "I love you kid, you have no idea how much"

"I love you too" I say kissing his cheek before leaves with Makoa in his car seat in one hand and Kalia holding the other

"You ready to go pumpkin?" My dad asks "You look beautiful"

"Yeah lets do this" I smile nervously taking his arm

We walk to the doorway and then wait a few moments as we watch Colby walk down the aisle, he leaves the kids with my mum and Joe's parents and then stands by Joe's side. As the music starts my dad leads me down the aisle and the second Joe sees me the biggest smile crosses his face, I smile back as I watch him wipe his eyes. As we get to Joe my dad gives my hand a squeeze.

"Who gives this woman in marriage to this man?" the officiate asks

"I do" My dad says with a teary eyed smile before kissing my cheek "I love you pumpkin"

"I love you to dad" I say back my own eyes filling with tears

I stand in front of Joe and he takes my hand in his and he smiles at me "I love you" he mouths and I mouth "I love you too" back.

"We are gathered here to join Jasmine Knowles and Leati Joseph Anoa'i in marriage" the officiate begins "anyone who believes they should not be married should speak now"

There is a pause as we wait to see if anyone speaks but there is only silence and Joe breaths a sigh of relief making the guests laugh.

"I believe the bride an groom have decided to write their own vows, so Leati if you would like to start" he says motioning towards Joe.

"Jasmine I'd like to say it was love at first sight for both of us but we both know that's not true" he smiles "I loved you the moment I first laid eyes on you, and I will be forever grateful to you for giving me the chance to show you the real me. You came into my life at a time when I was doubting myself as a man and as a partner and I saw myself as a failure. You showed me that I was not only good enough to be some ones husband but also to be some one's father, and I know that with you I can't fail because you will never let me." He says stopping to wipe his eyes "You have blessed me with two beautiful children, and you have trusted me with your heart. I want to thank you for loving me the way that you do and as I stand here today I make you this promise, that your heart will always be safe with me, that I will love you until there isn't a single breath left in my body, and that you and our children will always come first. I love you baby and my heart is yours always"

"Jasmine would you like to say your vows?" the officiate asks

As I wipe way the tears that had fallen during Joe's vows Nattie passes me the vows I had written, I unfold the paper before looking back at Joe.

"Joe you taught me a very important lesson never judge a book by it's cover" I say and he smiles "Getting to know you was the best decision I ever made because I found the sweetest, most loyal loving man I have ever met and it didn't take long for me to fall in love with you. There are times when I feel like I don't deserve to have you love me not when I had gotten you so wrong, but when that happens you swoop in and love me just a little bit more" I say looking into Joe's eyes as more tears fall down both our faces "I can't promise you that I won't make mistakes or that we won't row from time to time, but I can promise you that I will love you with all my heart everyday for the rest of my life. You are an amazing father to our children and the three of us are lucky to have you. I love you Leati Joseph Anoa'i"

When I look at Joe his eyes are red and puffy and his cheeks are soaked with tears much like my own.

"Do you have the rings?" the officiate asks

"Right here" Colby says placing them on the book the officiate is holding

"Joe take this ring and repeat after me" he says

Joe takes the ring and places it over the end of my finger and repeats the words as he is asked to, then it's my turn taking the ring I hold it so that Joe can see the inscription I had had done for him Lo'u alofa, lo'u fatu just like on the locket he gave me before placing it over the end of his finger and repeating the same words he had.

"Jasmine, in accepting this ring, do you take Leati to be your husband?" he asks

"I do" I smile

"Leati, in accepting this ring, do you take Jasmine to be your wife?" he asks

"I do" he smiles "you can believe that" he says and I roll my eyes as the guests laugh

"Jasmine and Leati, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husband and wife" smiles "You have kissed a thousand times, maybe more, but today the feeling is new. No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become husband and wife and can now seal the agreement with a kiss. Today, your kiss is a promise. You may kiss the bride"

Joe closes the gap between us within seconds and press his lips to mine as everyone around us claps and cheers.

"Hi Mrs Anoa'i" Joe smiles as he breaks the kiss and rests his head against mine

"Hi" I smile back

"You look incredible baby" he says "I love you"

"I love you more" I say pecking his lips "we did it baby"

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