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Jasmine POV

My intention after Seth left had been to get a shower but at some point I must have fallen back to sleep. Looking at the TV I see that what is on is not what I was watching before and some how the remote has ended up on the floor.

Sitting up I feel my stomach rumble, I really should have had some breakfast. I grab my phone to call Seth to see how long he's going to be when there is a knock at the door.

"I was just about to call.....oh Joe hi" I say opening the door

"Hey I brought lunch" he says lifting up the bag in his hand

"Come on in" I smile

Joe walks in and places the bag on the dresser as I get back into the bed, he turns to me and I'm not sure if he's nervous or uncomfortable.

"Umm well I'll leave you to it" he says rubbing his neck

"Oh you're not staying?" I ask a little suprised at my own disappointment

"I wasn't sure if you'd want me to" he says

"Come over here and bring the food with you" I say patting the empty side of the bed

He brings the food over and perches on the end of the bed

"Oh come on" I chuckle "you can sit next to me I don't bite" I say grabbing the bag and opening it "Where's your lunch?" I ask noticing there is only food for one person in the bag.

"Oh I was going to get something after dropping this off" he says

Not saying a word I split the sandwich in half placing each half on a napkin, I then take the bag of crisps and open it up placing it between us.

"There we can share it" I say and he smiles at me "what?" I ask

"Nothing I just didn't expect you to want me here let alone share your lunch with me" he says

"I know I haven't exactly been pleasant to you and after you helped me yesterday I owe you an apology" I say "I'm sorry for being a bitch Joe"

"Hey I'm not looking for an apology" he says "but I would like a chance to be your friend"

"Alright I'll give you that chance" I smile "but I warn you I'm a one strike and you're out girl"

"Noted" he laughs and takes a bite out of his sandwich

"So why did you help me yesterday?" I ask

"First or second time?" He asks

"First" I say

"Well I heard bayley and corbin talking back stage about how they wanted to put you on the shelf" he says "as far as I could see you didn't deserve that and so I wanted to make sure it didn't happen"

"Well thank you" I say

"You're welcome" he smiles "and if your wondering why I would do that for some one I don't know, I trust Seth's judgement when it comes to people and the fact that he cares about you so much tells me you're a good person"

We finish our lunch in silence with me contemplating the fact that I got this guy completely wrong. The man sat having lunch with me is a completely different person to the guy I've seen at work.

"That was delicious, thank you for allowing me to have lunch with you" he says as he starts to get off the bed.

"You have somewhere to be?" I ask once again suprised by my disappointment, the hell is wrong with me?

"No I'm just putting the rubbish in the bin" he says as he walks across the room "why you want me to go?" He asks

"No, if you don't have anything to do I'd like you to stay" I say

Roman POV

Standing across the room looking at Jas I could hardly believe the woman who only yesterday told me to stay away from her was now asking me to stay with her.

"I'm not busy" I smile "what would you like to do?" I ask

"Well I have to rest for 48 hours so the only option is watch a movie" she shrugs "or talk"

"Why don't we do both" I say and she smiles

"I'd like that" she says

I walk back over to the bed and sit down, I take off my shoes and make myself comfortable on the bed next to her. Within seconds she has picked a movie and to my suprise she moves closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Comfy?" I ask with a smile

"Oh god I'm sorry" she says sitting up "it's an automatic thing I do it with Seth all the time"

"Hey relax" I say "it's not a problem, if you want to put your head on my shoulder you go right ahead"

"Really you don't mind?" She asks

"Not at all" I say and she gives me a small smile

About half way into the movie I realise that she has fallen asleep, I  gently move her off me and place her head on the pillow. Standing  up I pick up my shoes and start to tip toe out of the room.

"Joe" she calls after me

"Yeah Jas?" I ask

"Where are you going?" She asks

"You fell asleep babygirl so I was going to leave you to it" I say

"Are you going to come see me tomorrow?" She asks

"Would you like me to?" I ask

"Yes please" she says with a sleepy smile

"Then I'll see you tomorrow" I say but she has fallen asleep again "sweet dreams Jas" I say before leaving the room.

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