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Two days later
Jasmine POV

Laying in bed staring at the ceiling my mind was firmly on the bunch of flowers sitting on my kitchen work top. They had arrived yesterday with no card, assuming Joe had sent them I had called him to thank him and was suprised when he said they weren't from him.

We had come to the conclusion that they must be from one of our colleagues because we honestly couldn't think of anyone else that would send me flowers.

Having given up on sleep a couple of hours ago I make my way downstairs to make myself a cup of tea, Joe's mum is still asleep so the house is pretty quiet, I only make it to the living room when there is a knock on the door.

I make my way over to the door and open it and my jaw drops.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Jas I swear I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm not here to fight I just want to talk" Randy says holding his hands up

"You are lucky Joe isn't home" I say "but I'm guessing you already knew that"

"Do you really think I'd be here if he was home?" He asks "he wouldn't let me anywhere near you"

"Can you blame him after what you put him through" I say trying not to raise my voice too much

Randy glances over my shoulder and a small smile appears on his face.

"You got the flowers then" he asks

"You....I should have known" I sigh "rest assured they will be going in the bin once I get rid of you"

"Jas I just want to talk" he says "I just want a chance to apologize"

"Randy you and I both know that's not the only reason you are here" I say "you have to let me go this isn't healthy"

"You think I haven't tried" he says "I've tried and I can't do it, I can't let you go becuase I love you"

"Well try harder" I say "please Randy, I am tired, I am hungry and I need to pee, so just leave please"

"Be honest with yourself Jaz" he says taking my hands in his "can you honestly say he loves you like I do?"

"No he loves her a damn sight better than you do" Patrica says "becuase he is nothing but honest with her, and he would never do anything to hurt her"

"Patricia it's fine I've got this" I say trying to reassure her but she steps around me getting right in Randy's face

"How dare you turn up at my sons home and harass his girlfriend like this" she says "I don't know who the hell you think you are but you need to leave now"

"And what you're going to make me?" He chuckles "I just want to talk to Jas"

"Do not make the mistake of thinking that only the men in this family can fight" she says "I can kick your ass just as well as my husband or son if pushed"

"Randy please just leave" I plead

"I'll leave if you tell me you don't love me" he says "if you tell me you don't feel anything for me"

"Randy I don't love you" I say "I love Joe, I want to be with Joe, I don't want you now please leave"

"I don't believe you" he says "I don't believe that you are happy with him, the three of us could be a family Jas, I know he doesn't want to marry you but I do"

"A family?" I gasp "I have a family with Joe and our baby girl I.......ow" I say as a cramp like pain shoots across my abdomen.

"Now look what you have done" Patricia snaps "or was this your plan drive her into an early labour so you can swoop in and save the day?, Jasmine go sit down I'll be right with you"

"Jas are you ok?" Randy asks

Randy POV

Jas doesn't answer me she just walks back into the house like Joe's mum asked her to do, I try to follow but she blocks my path.

"You listen to me" she growls "if you ever show your face here again and bad mouth my son so help me god you will regret it, you know nothing about what he wants or their relationship, now leave before I call the police"

Before I have chance to say anything she slams the door in my face, I hadn't wanted to upset or stress Jas I just wanted to talk but that is obviously not going to happen.

Jasmine POV

I sit on the couch and try to relax, I am praying that this cramp or whatever it is is nothing becuase the last thing I want is to go into labour when Joe's not here.

"Are you ok?" Patricia asks as she joins me at my side

"I think so" I say "I don't think it was anything to worry about"

"Lets not shrug it off just yet" she says "do you want me to call Joe?"

"No last time Joe was going to request a match with him to deal with him but changed his mind, if he finds out about this he will do it" I say "and god knows what he will do to him.....ow" I gasp as another cramp like pain goes across my abdomen

"Sweetheart I don't think it's nothing" she says rubbing my arm

"It is, it has to be" I say "I can't, not without Joe"


Stepping out of the shower, I grab a towel and start drying myself off, sleep had been patchy at best and so I had decided to get up and have a shower.

I'm just towel drying my hair when I hear what sounds like my phone ringing. I head into the main area of the room and over to the bedside table, and I see my mum's name on the screen

"Hey mum" I say

"Figlio(son) you need to come home" she says and just like that my heart is in my throat

"What's happend?" I ask "Is Jas alright?"

"It's time Joe, you daughter is on the way" she says

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