An Idea Part 2

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Jamsine POV

"Oh Jas one other thing" Stephanie says stopping me from leaving her office

"Yeah?" I ask

"Well we obviously will be announcing your pregnancy and I thought it would be good to have some nice photos to go with it" she says "will you be doing a maternity shoot?"

"I've been thinking about it" I say "I haven't mentioned it to Joe yet"

"Well if you do could you send me some of the photos?" She asks "otherwise I can organise an in house shoot for you both"

"Sure no problem" I smile leaving the room.

I head through the backstage area keeping an eye out for Joe, as a pass the cafeteria I spot Nick, Rob, Tom and Claudio sat round a table so I decide to go over and say hi to them all.

"Hi guys" I say with a big smile

"Jas!" They all shout at once before surrounding me in a group hug

"I love you all but me and baby need to breath" I laugh

"Pregnancy looks good on you" Claudio smiles as they all step back

"You look radient" Nick smiles

"Thank you" I smile back "it's good to see you all, I've missed you"

"We've missed you too" Tom says "you look great"

"Are you happy?" Rob asks

"Yes very happy" I say "I have a baby girl on the way and the best man I could hope for why wouldn't I be happy"

"Good thats all that matters" he smiles

"Excuse me best friend coming through" Colby announces before giving me a hug

"Hey you" I say hugging him back

"Hey, so wheres Joe?" He asks

"I have no idea I was just looking for him" I say "I have a couple of things to talk to him about"

"Why don't you try the ring he might be doing a run through" Colby suggest

"Alright, bye guys I'll see you all soon" I say as I leave to a chorus of goodbyes from the group.

I make my way towards gorilla navigating the backstage area, as I approach I'm stopped by another friendly face.

"Hey Jas" Sarona says giving me a hug

"Hey Sarona how are you?" I ask hugging her back

"I'm good, so you and Le huh?" She smirks "I told you you'd like him if you gave him a chance"

"Le?" I ask "whose Le?"

"Your boyfriend" she smiles "he goes by Joe but his first name is Leati, didn't he tell you?"

"No he didn't" I laugh "and yeah I guess you did tell me"

"So what are you having?" She asks placing her hands on my bump

"A girl" I smile "and yes we have a name and no we aren't telling"

"You're no fun" she laughs "well I'll let you get on, we'll have lunch some time"

"Yes definitely" I smile "I'll see you later"

Making my way out to the ring I see Joe stood in the ring with Paul  but before I can get close I'm attacked from both sides my the twins.

"Hey Jazzy" Jey says as the both hug me

"Nobody wants me to get to Joe today do they?" I laugh turning to face them both

"You are one hit momma" Jimmy smiles stepping back from me and right at that moment I am wrapped up in two strong arms

"And this hit momma is all mine" Joe says nuzzling my neck

"Relax uce just paying her a compliment" Jimmy laughs "I wasn't trying to steal her"

"He knows" I say turning my head to look up at him "I need to talk to you"

"Oh our boy in trouble" Jey laughs and they both head to the ringtone talk to Paul.

"Am I in trouble?" He asks

"Depends, have you spoken to Stephanie today?" I ask

"She told you about the idea didn't she?" He asks as I turn to face him

"I knew it, the idea had you written all over it" I laugh "I told her if you were ok with it then I was in"

"Baby that's great" he smiles

"While I have you, I'd like to ask you something" I say

"Shoot" he says

"What do you think about doing a maternity shoot?" I ask

"I think that's a great idea" he smiles "It's just you and me and a couple of outfit changes right?"

"Actually I was thinking of something like this" I say showing him some pictures on my phone of some tastefully done almost nude maternity shoots

"These are supposed to be tasteful right?" He asks

"Yeah why?" I ask

"Baby if I see you like that the shoot is going to go from tasteful to x rated in seconds" he says making me laugh

"Come on Joe I think it would look really good" I say

"Alright but don't complain if I can't control myself" he says "and you better make sure you're stood infront of me in every photo"

"I'm sure I can manage that" I smile

"Hello Jas, lovely to see you, I'm sorry but I need to steal him away" Paul says giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"Steal away I'm finished with him" I smile "and I look forward to working with you"

"Likewise it will be a pleasure to work with you" he says "how about we arrange dinner the three of us and we can start making plans?"

"I'd love that" I say "Arrange everything with Joe and I'll see you then"

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