Tribal Chieftess

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Later that night

Jasmine POV

I watched from the gorilla as Joe made his way down to the ring. Paul followed a few steps behind him on his right and the twins were a few steps behind that.

Once in the ring Paul got a mic. And turned to face the cameras and the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman." He started his promo like usual. "And I serve as special counsel to your tribal chief and universal champion Roman Reigns."

The crowd booed loudly and Paul let them finish before continuing. "Over the last few months your tribal chief and his family have made every single division acknowledge him. Your tribal chief Roman Reigns has been a dominating and unstoppable force in the singles division while the Usos have taken over the tag division on their turn. Every single opponent has bowed down and acknowledged their tribal chief."

After another chorus of boos Paul handed the mic to Joe

"You're right Paul. We have made both the singles division and the tag division acknowledge me. But those are not all the divisions. Which brings me to the women's division." Joe paused. "Lately the women's division has been like doing missionary position every single night. Boring, generic, stupid. Now everyone knows that I as tribal chief don't like things that are boring, like Goldberg, generic, like John Cena or stupid, like Edge."

His comment about Goldberg was somehow met with a laugh but as soon as he started mentioning John and Edge the crowd booed again.

Once again Paul was handed the mic.

"Now obviously gentlemen like us would never put our hands on a woman." He stated. "So we found someone who has no problem doing it for us. Someone who has not only acknowledged Roman Reigns as tribal chief but has gotten acknowledged by him in turn. You will acknowledge her as your tribal chieftess."

Joe grinned at the camera. "Welcome the new member of the family."

With that, my theme started to play and I started to make my way to the ring. When I approach the ring I walk up the steel steps and Paul takes my hand to help me into the ring. Once in the ring I greet Paul and the twins with a hug before turning my attention towards Joe, as I take a step towards him he places and arm round my waist and pulls me to him roughly before pressing his lips against mine briefly.

"You could have warned me about that outfit" he whispers in my ear referring to the skinny jeans, thigh high stiletto boots, low cut acknowledge us tank top and leather jacket I was wearing. 

Joe and I smile at each other for a moment before I take the mic from Paul's hand and face the crowd.

"Thats right, I am you tribal chieftess" I smirk "You see while I was away I did some thinking, and I realised that being nice was getting me nowhere, I've worked too damn hard to watch everyone else get what I deserve" I say drawing boos from the crowd

"So that being said Bianca I'm putting you on notice, I'm coming for your title and I will be taking it, but your not the only one who needs to worry about me" I say earning looks of confusion from some people in the crowd

"I'm talking to you Apollo Crews, you see the smackdown women's championship isn't enough, I want the intercontinental championship too and thanks to my husband I am ready to take you on" As I smirk the crowd gasps and boos

"And as for all of you" I say motioning towards the crowd as Joe steps up behind me and wraps and arm around my waist with his hand flat on my stomach "from here on in you will....." I pause as Joe leans over my shoulder towards the mic and we both say "acknowledge us!"

Joe presses one more kiss to my lips before we all head out of the ring and up the ramp to a mixture of boos and cheers, any nerves I had had about how it was going to go over had almost completely gone and I couldn't wait to start my journey as the tribal chieftess.

"You did good out there baby" Joe says pulling me into a hug "you ready to get out of here?"

"Aren't you needed?" I ask and he shakes his head

"This was the only thing I had to do tonight" he smiles "I'm all yours now"

"Alright then let me get changed and we can get out of here" I say but before I can move he pulls me into another hug and places his lips near my ear

"Leave it on" he whispers "I want to be the one to take this off you"

"I'm guessing you like the outfit" I chuckle and he lets out a low growl

"You look incredible" he says "I damn near broke character when you walked out"

"I noticed" I smirk "nice to know I still have that effect on you"

"Baby you will always have that effect on me" he says pecking my lips "I love you"

"I love you too" I smile "come on let's get out of here" I say taking his hand and leading him back to the locker rooms to get our stuff.

A/N A massive massive thank you to @xMrsHardy for writing the Joe/Paul promo for this chapter, if it wasn't for you this chapter would never have happened and the story would have come to a screeching halt, so thank you so so much❤. If you haven't already please check out her stories she is a phenomenal writer and in my opinion her Roman Reigns story is the best one on Wattpad

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