Old Flame, New Problem

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Jasmine POV

Walkg through the door of my condo in Missouri I was both relieved and devastated to be here. Even though I had only just returned in ring I had decided to take some further time off, I had given Steph some story about still not feeling 100% and that I thought I needed more time.

What I was actually doing was running away from not only Joe but all the guys. After I had found out about Joe's wife I had gone to Colby for comfort and sympathy but instead what I got was a confession that they had encouraged me and Joe despite not only him but all the guys knowing he was married.

Naturally I was angry at all of them and I didn't want to be anywhere near anyone them. When I had gotten off the plane I had missed calls and texts from all of them including Joe but I just ignored everything.

One thing I couldn't ignore was that no matter how angry and hurt I was I missed Joe, I missed everything about him but most of all I missed how he made me feel good about myself for the short time we were together. But that was the man I fell for not the man he really is, a lying cheating asshole.

I'm shook from my thoughts by my doorbell ringing but I had no idea who it was becuase no one knew I was home. As I open the door I'm greeted by a familiar but unexpected face.

"Randy?" I say confused as to why he's at my door

"I spoke to Colby he told me what happend" he says pulling me into a hug "I figured you'd be here and I wanted to make sure you were ok"

Although Randy and I had a split a year ago the spilt had been amicable and we had remained friends, we hadn't worked out for one simple reason, he was in love with me but while I loved him I wasn't in love with him and it wouldn't have been fair on him for it to continue.

"Thank you" I say hugging him back "I'm sure I'll be ok eventually"

I let Randy into the house and we both take a seat on my couch, he takes my hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze

"So do you want to talk about it?" he asks

"There's not much to say" I sigh "I went from hating him to loving him in a little over three weeks and then I find out he's married"

"Love him as in the way you loved me or the way you didn't love me?" He asks

"The way I didn't love you" I sigh "it hurts Randy, it hurts like hell and if this is how you felt when I ended things I am so sorry" I sob

"Hey come here" he says pulling me back into his arms "the pain I felt was different becuase we didn't hurt each other, but no matter how much it hurts it will pass"

"I just don't know what to do I'm so confused" I sob "I'm hurt and I'm angry at him but at the same time I want him back, I want him to be the one sat holding me, I want him to love me back"

"He's a fool Jas" he says "he doesn't deserve to have you love him"

"I miss him Randy, I miss him so much" I say "maybe I should just be with him regardless at least it wouldn't hurt so much"

"No" he says "You're worth more than some affair Jas, you deserve a man that wants you and only you, that treats you the way you deserve"

"I had one" I say smiling at him "I had you, and I wish I had loved you the way you loved me"

"Maybe you could" he says lifting my chin so that I look at him

And this is precisely why I moved to Smackdown, despite not being together we were like magnets we couldn't stay away and things kept happening between us, so I made the decision to switch shows so that we could both move on

"Randy don't look at me like that" I say turning my head away

"Like what Jas?" He asks "like I love you? I do I always have and that hasn't changed"

"You're not him Randy" I sigh "and for my sins he is the one I want"

"But you can't have him, not properly" he says "but you can have me"

"Randy......." before I can finish his lips crash onto mine and I fight against it at first but then for some reason I give in and I kiss him back.
I knew this was a bad idea that this was wrong but I needed to feel wanted, I need to feel loved. I needed those things from Joe but he wasn't here Randy was and so I allowed myself to make a big mistake.

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