Start Of Forever

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four weeks later

Jasmine POV

I open my eyes slowly and turn over reaching out my arm but I am greeted by an empty space and cold sheets, but I have the biggest smile on my face because there is a good reason Joe isn't here, in a few short hours I will be Mrs Anoa'i and there is nothing in this world that could make me happier then that.

A knock at the door shakes me from my thoughts, I get out of bed pull on a robe and answer the door, I am greeted by the sight of Nattie, Sarona and Becky smiling at me.

"Time to get ready" Nattie smiles at me, smiling back I step aside and let them into the room before closing the door

"So are you ready to be Mrs Anoa'i?" Sarona asks and all I can do is nod as the happy tears fall down my cheeks

"I hope those are happy tears" Becky smiles giving me a hug, the two of us had been getting on so well that I had asked her to a be a bridesmaid along with Nattie and Sarona

"Yes they are" I smile "you know there was a point when I didn't think we would ever get here"

"but you did" Nattie smiles "I honestly think that you two could get through anything"

"And you make the most beautiful babies" Sarona smiles and I chuckle "Seriously your little boy is so cute I could just steal him"

"You'd have to get Joe to let go of him first" Becky laughs

"Ok ladies it's time to make Joe's bride look beautiful" Nattie smiles as she pulls out a chair and I take a seat


As I stand in front of the mirror smoothing out my suit I couldn't quite believe this day had finally arrived, in a few hours I was going to be able to call Jas my wife and I felt like the luckiest man on earth all be it a total bag of nerves.

"You keep running your hands down that jacket you are going to make it thread bare" Colby chuckles from the door way

"Sorry I'm just so nervous" I sigh "I just want everything to go right"

"everything will go fine, just relax" he says patting me on the back

"I'd feel better if Randy wasn't here" I say "remind me again why I agreed to that?"

"Because Jas wanted him here" he says "and despite everything he's been a good friend to her just lately"

"How come you're so cool with him?" I ask "you wanted to kill him as much as I did"

"Because I've been in his shoes" he says "I know what it's like to be in love with some one who doesn't feel the same"

"Whatever" I shrug "forget him today is about me and Jas, I just hope she doesn't change her mind"

"don't even go there" Colby says "she is not going to change her mind, that girl is head over heels in love with you, she wants this as much as you do"

"this is it for me man, this is forever" I smile "there is no body else in this world for me"

Jasmine POV

As I look at myself in the mirror I can honestly say my girls had done an amazing job, my make up was simple yet beautiful and my hair fell past my shoulders in loose waves with my veil attached at the back.

"It's time to get your dress on" Nattie says unzipping the bag

Since we are getting married on Samoa I had gone for a light flowy type dress, something that was good for a beach wedding and also would keep me cool. The other reason was that I hadn't got my figure back just yet and hiding my mum tum was a must for today.

Nattie unzips the dress and lowers it and I remove my robe. 

"Some one went all out with the sexy underwear" Sarona says nudging me and I chuckle

"Don't tell Joe or they'll never make it to the reception" Nattie laughs

With Sarona and Becky's help I step into the dress, I watch in the mirror as they pull the dress up and remove my robe, Nattie and Sarona pulls the straps on to my shoulders as Becky zips it up.

"You look beautiful" Becky smiles "If Joe doesn't cry when he sees you the man has no heart"

I'm about to speak when there is a knock at the door, I look at the girls and they all shrug, I start to walk to the door when Nattie stops me.

"No what if it's Joe?" she says "He can't see you yet"

"I'll go" Sarona says "I'll spear his ass back to his room before he gets in here"

I watch as she opens the door and then steps aside, Joe's mum walks in the room and when she sees me she smiles.

"You look beautiful" she smiles "Joe asked me to bring this to you" she says handing me a box

I take the box from her and read the note attached to it

Today, Tomorrow, Always

I love you

Joe xx

Smiling I open the box and find silver heart shaped locket with Lo'u alofa, lo'u fatu engraved on it, I open the locket and on one side is a picture of me and Joe and and the other side is a picture of Joe with our babies.

"So I'm guessing the note referred to the engraving, so is one of you two going to translate" Nattie asks looking at me and Sarona.

"It means My Love, My Heart" I smile as I take the necklace and put it on

"That is so romantic" Nattie swoons

"I'm going to head back is there anything you want me to take to Joe?" She asks

"No Colby already has it" I smile "But thank you Patricia"

"Oh I think you can call me mum now" she smiles "I'll see you out there"

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