An Idea

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Jasmine POV

Ever since the hospital appointment Joe hadn't stopped smiling, seeing him so happy made me happy and right now that and our baby girl were all that mattered to me.

When we got back to the hotel Joe had checked out of his room and moved into mine, he wanted to make sure he was there when I needed him and he didn't think he do that if we were in separate rooms. I appreciated his sweetness and I loved him for it, but I also knew that wasn't the only reason he had moved into my room.

I know he's worried about Randy turning up and trying to see me and by sharing my room he was sending a very clear message to him - she's mine.

Joe's protective side was one of my favourite things about him, I loved how he could make me feel safe without really doing anything and I knew that it would be the same for our little girl.

"Baby I was thinking, why dont you come to the arena with me you know for luck" he says

"Even though I know you don't need luck I would love to come with you" I smile "I need to catch up with Nattie anyway"

"Alright you got me" he smirks "but is it so wrong that I just want you with me?"

"No of course not" I say wrapping my arms around his neck "I love that you want me around so much"

"Baby if I could I would have you out at ringside with me" he says kissing my lips "but right now you are carrying something precious and I'm not about to take risks with you"

"I can't come out with you anyway I'm not part of your storyline" I chuckle

"Thats not a bad idea" he says raising an eyebrow

At the arena

Leaving Joe to go for his warm up and run through I set out to find Nattie, we had alot of catching up to do, I hadn't spoken to her since the day I found out I was pregnant and she had no idea what's been going on.

When I had told Stephanie I was pregnant we had agreed to keep it quiet and sell it as an injury until we could sort everything out and now that it was sorted I didn't need to hide.

"Oh my god where the hell have you been" Nattie gasps rushing over to me, but as she goes to give me a hug she stops "Well you're clearly not injured" she laughs

"Nope" I chuckle "we have a lot to catch up on"

"Uh yeah we do" she smiles "come on let's go somewhere private I want details" she says taking my hand and rushing towards the locker rooms, once she find and empty one she rushes me inside before locking the door.

"Ok spill, whose the father?" She asks

"Wow straight to the point" I laugh "thats kind of the main reason nobody knew I was pregnant becuase I didn't know who the father was"

"Jas I know I told you you needed to get ladies but I didn't mean like that" she laughs

"There were only two Randy and the guy I've been seeing" I say

"Randy! Girl are you crazy?" She asks

"Things weren't going so well between me and the other guy, I was upset, Randy came to see me and......"

"And he took advantage of you again" she sighs

"Yeah I guess so" I sigh "anyway the other guy showed up we worked things out and everting was fine until I found out I was pregnant, Randy was good about it but the other guy was hurt and we didn't speak until a few days ago"

"So you and this guy are back together now?" She asks

"Yeah" I smile "after we sorted things out we had a dna done and thankfully she's his"

"She!" She gasps "You're having a girl"

"Yes we are" I smile

"Ok let's address the huge detail you left out" she smirks "who is he?"

"It's Joe" I say the biggest smile spreading across my face

"Joe Anoai?" She asks and I nod "ok now I really need details"

"What kind of details" I laugh

"Well first how you ended up with a man you hate" she smiles

"Turns out it was Roman Regins I hated, when I got to know Joe after he helped me, I found he is nothing like his character, he's amazing" I say

"You love him don't you" she asks and again a nod

"I'm so happy for you Jas" she says giving me a hug "you deserve to be happy, but time for the nitty gritty, whats he like?"

"Oh my god" I laugh "he's an amazing kisser, and he's gentle and considerate and very loving"

"Damn I am so jealous" she laughs "don't get me wrong I love TJ but Joe is one mighty fine man and I would love to get up in his business" she says making me laugh

"Well he's taken" I laugh "he's mine and I'm not sharing"

"Well I gotta run are you stick around?" She asks

"Yeah I'm going to go pop and see Steph and then I'll be wherever Joe is" I say and she gives me one last hug before leaving.

Making my way to Steph's office it felt good to finally tell Nattie about me and so and to be able to say the baby was his without any doubts.

I knock on the door and it opens straight away.

"Jas hey, look at you, you're glowing" Steph says greeting me with a hug "come on in"

"I wanted to let you know that we've done a dna" I say

"Oh and what was the result?" She asks

"She's Joe's" I smile

"That's amazing news I was hoping it would be" she smiles "so are you and Joe speaking yet?"

"Yeah in fact we got back together a few days ago" I say

"Perfect becuase I've had an idea for when you return" she says

"Oh alright let's hear it" I say

"How would you feel about joining Joe's storyline?" She asks

"Have you been talking to him?" I ask

"No I haven't seen him today" she says "I was thinking you two could be like a power couple"

"So I'd be turning heel?" I ask

"Yes it wouldn't work otherwise" she says

"Alright I'm interested" I say

"There is one small thing" she says "my plan is to have you become the tribal chieftess but for that to work and be accurate you would need to be married to Joe"

"I am not marrying him just to make a storyline work" I say "no way Steph"

"Oh come on I would never ask you to do that" she says "you would need to be storyline married, you know wear a ring and call him your husband"

"I tell you what, speak to Joe and if he says yes than I'm in" I say

"Great I'll speak to him right away" she smiles

Something tells me that Joe is not going to say no to this idea.

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