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Next morning

Jasmine POV

I open my eyes to find that despite sleep my head still hurts, as I sit up I think back to yesterday and the person who helped me get back here. For a brief moment I had actually thought I had got him all wrong that maybe he wasn't as much of an asshole as I thought but then he said something ego filled and now I'm right back to my original opinion.

I look over to the bedside table and see a packet of ibuprofen, a bottle of my favourite peach flavoured water and a note. Seth must has stopped by at some point he really is the sweetest guy I know.

I grab the note and read it despite the troubling in my head


Thought you might need these


P.s. don't worry I gave the key back to reception

Joe? Joe brought this stuff, but how in the hell could he possibly know that's my favourite water? And now I'm back to being completely confused about this guy, how can he be sweet and have an ego the size of new york at the same time?

"Good morning sunshine" Seth says as he breezes into the room "how are you feeling?"

"Better thank you" I smile "but tone down the happy or I may have to kick your ass" I say and he laughs before kissing my forehead

"So how'd you get back here yesterday?" He asks "I went to get you from the locker room and you'd gone"

"Joe helped me" I say popping out of couple of pain pills "and since you were no where to be found"

"Joe huh? On a proper name basis now" he smirks "I'm sorry I ran late I had a meeting with hunter"

"Oh really? That's funny becuase Joe said you had to do some stuff for Steph?" I say eyeing him suspiciously

"I did" he says "right after my meeting with hunter"

"Hmm and I suppose this was a lucky guess on Joe's part?" I ask holding up the bottle of water

"Maybe, or maybe since he can't seem to keep his eyes off you he's seen you drinking it" he shrugs

I swallow the painkillers, put the bottle back on the table and turn my attention back to Seth

"Either way can you please ask your friend to stay away from me" I ask

"Oh come on Jas" he sighs "you can't possibly still think he's an asshole?"

"Right now I find him confusing" I say "you know he almost had me yesterday I actually thought I'd got him wrong and then the ego showed up, but then this" I say motioning towards the stuff on the table "and now I don't know what to think"

"Well right now you shouldn't be thinking" he says "you need to rest, I'll call back later with some lunch" he says kissing my forehead

"Alright" I say "I'll see you later"

Roman POV

I had been waiting down the corridor for Seth to leave Jasmine's room, and it hadn't been long before he did. As he walks towards me he seems a little unsure.

"Well?" I ask "did she say anything?"

"Let's see im pretty sure she's knows I'm helping you" he laughs "and so far you've managed to confuse her"

"Confuse her?" I ask confused myself "how?"

"Well apparently your ego made an appearance just as you were starting to make her think she was wrong about you" he laughs "and then you're little gift this morning confused her"

"My ego?......Oh!" I gasp as I realise what she's talking about "yeah I regretted saying that the second it left my mouth"

"Well she's resting now but I did say I'd be back later with some lunch for her" he smirks "and that's another thing we need to get our stories straight we can't keep giving her two different stories"

"I wasn't expecting her to ask where you were" I laugh "but I did get a smile out of her" I say smiling myself

"Well it's progress" he says "I'll see you at lunchtime"

So I almost changed her mind last night? Maybe this won't be so hard after all, I just need to make sure I don't say anything else that can come across as egotistical and I'll be fine.

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