An Answer For Daddy

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Jasmine POV

I had no idea how long I had been stood here staring at Joe but I couldn't speak, I just couldn't find my words ro get my voice box to work. I had been so convinced that he didn't want to get married that this was totally out of the blue. But as he stayed on one knee and our daughter gurgled behind me I was completely mute.

"Baby say something please" Joe says looking worried "you're scaring me"

"I....I.....Yes" I say finally managing to squeak a response

"Yeah?" He asks standing up and smiling

"Yes" I say again my voice now fully returning as he places the ring on my finger before wrapping me up in his arms

"You had me worried then" he says into my hair

"I'm sorry, I thought..."

"I know what you thought" he says cutting me off "but I never said no, I only said I didn't know"

"How did you...."

"I heard you the night you met my parents" he says cutting me off once more "I heard what you said to my mum, I never said anything becuase I knew that would make this a complete suprise for you"

"It was definitely that" I say "and that baby grow is too cute for words"

"I wanted Kalia to be a part of it and that seemed like the perfect way" he smiles "I love you baby so much"

"I love you too" I say leaning up and kissing him "and it was absolutely perfect, I love that you included her"

Joe and I just stand there for a moment looking at each other smiling, the moment is only broken by the sounds of our daughter gurgling and I suddenly remember why I came in here in the first place.

"I'm sorry sweetpea" I say rushing over to her "mummy will get you cleaned up"

"I can do that if you like" Joe says coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck

"How about you stay just as you are while I change her" I say smirking

"What ever my fiancée wants" he says kissing my cheek as my heart soars at hearing him call me that "you like me calling you that don't you?" He asks smiling against my neck

"I love it" I say "and I love my future husband" I say earning a low growl from him

"Any chance at all that she's sleepy?" He asks just as she makes a loud noise

"I'd take that as a no" I laugh

I finish changing Kalina with Joe's arms around me and then he let's go to pick her up. I smile at the sight of him cradling her in his arms, it truly is a beautiful sight and she looks so tiny in amongst all his muscle.

"Well if you don't want to sleep how about we make mummy some breakfast" Joe says as she cuddles into his chest

"I can make breakfast" I offer "you spend time with your daughter"

"No I said I'd make breakfast and I will" he smiles "and maybe after we can take her down to the beach let her see the ocean"

"You know there is one thing she gets from me" I smile

"Oh yeah whats that?" He asks

"She doesn't care where she is as long as she's with you" I say and Joe smiles before pressing a kiss to my lips

"She gets a lot more than that from you" he smiles "she has your beauty, your smile and your strength"

"We'll have to agree to disagree on that" I smile

When we get downstairs I take Kalia from Joe and he heads into the kitchen to make breakfast. I decide for a change that we will have breakfast out by the pool instead of inside.
Taking a seat at the outdoor table with my daughter in my arms I can't help but smile at the ring sparkling on my finger in the sun.

"You know what sweetpea" I say kissing my daughters head "since you were so good at helping daddy suprise me, maybe you can help me suprise daddy"

I wasn't sure what I was going to do but I wanted to do something to show him how grateful I was for everything he does when he's home and how much we both loved him.
Maybe I could get him a little something and leave it in his bag for him to find.

"Breakfast is served" he smiles as he places a tray filled with granola, fruit and yoghurt on the table "here let me take her while you eat" he says removing her from my arms "I'll eat when you are done"

I help myself to some fruit and as I raise a piece to my mouth I see Joe's eyes fall on my ring and he smiles, he takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles

"I hope you know I'm not planning on waiting too long to make you my wife" he says "the sooner the better"

"I'd like Kalia to be old enough to be a part of it" I say and he raises  an eyebrow

"How old?" He asks

"Oh at least 5" I say laughing as his faces falls "I'm kidding I want her to be at least 1"

"You know I'm going to get you for that right" he smirks "but I think I can wait 9 months"

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