Making Plans

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Jasmine POV

Getting back into shape had not been as easy as I thought it would be, finding time between visitors, taking care of Kalia and Joe being home was difficult and I had had to rely on all of the grandparents to watch Kalia while I had some time in our home gym.

"So when are you due back?" My mum asks as I run on the treadmill

"In a month" I say "and I need to be in perfect shape"

"You look good to me" she shrugs "doesn't she sweetie" she says as Kalia gurgles at her

"Not good enough" I say "not for what I have planned"

"And does Joe know about your plans?" She asks

"No becuase if he did he wouldn't let me do it" I say between pants

"I thought he wanted you to be champion" she says

"Oh he does, but that is only part of my plan" I say stopping the treadmill and grabbing a towel.

"And whats the rest of the plan?" She asks

"Until I speak with Paul I'm not saying" I say kissing my daughter on the cheek

Laying down on the bench I get myself ready to start benching when my phone rings, sitting up I grab my phone and see Paul's name on my screen, it's like he read my mind.

"Hey Paul" I say answering the call and looking over at my mum who nods and leaves the room.

"How is my favourite heyman girl?" He asks

"I'm your only heyman girl" I laugh "I'm doing good, I'm looking forward to coming back"

"Excellent" he says "now since bringing the intercontinental title into the stable was your idea I was wondering if you had some one in mind to hold it"

"That is uncanny" I say "I was going to call you about the exact same thing"

"Great minds think alike" he chuckles "so who do you have in mind?"

Later that night

When I got back to the hotel room I was tired, my body ached and I was missing my girls like crazy. I hated leaving them but I had to work, the only thing that kept me going was knowing that I would get to video call them once I was back at the hotel.

Just one more month and Jas would be back on the road with me, no more lonely sleepless nights, she would here sleeping beside me, where I needed her to be, we had decided that Kalia would stay with my parents on the days we were away as we didn't want to drag her on the road with us, it just didn't seem fair.

Laying back on the bed I call Jas and the second her face comes on the screen my day seems a whole lot better.

"Hey baby" I smile

"Hey handsome, how are you doing?" She asks smiling back

"How's my babygirl?" I ask

"She's good, I just our her down for a nap" she says "you didn't answer my question"

"I'm missing you both like crazy" I sigh "I just want you both with me"

"We miss you too" she says "and it won't be long before I'm back on the road with you"

"Speaking of Paul said he spoke to you today" I say "is everything still good with the plan?"

"Yeah everything's fine, although there has been one little change" she says "since bringing the intercontinental title into our stable was my idea he wanted to know who I had in mind to hold it"

"Well you have me, Jey and Jimmy to choose from" I say "who'd you pick?"

"None of you" she says "you have the universal title so the ic title is beneath you, Jimmy and jey have the tag belts nows and giving to one of them makes them un even"

"So we're getting a new addition to the team then?" I ask confused

"No the line up isn't changing either" she says and I'm even more confused

"I don't understand baby" I say "if none of us are holding it and we aren't getting a money member then who is going for the ic title?"

"Some one that no one will expect" she smiles "some one that will, shake things up a bit, Paul is on board and I'm hoping you will be too"

"Wait a second" I say as things finally start clicking "please tell me you're not saying what I think you are saying"

"I'm going for the ic title and the womens title" she says "think about it, it will cement my dominance"

"Baby I don't want you fighting men" I say "they don't go as easy as the women and I don't want you getting hurt"

"That's why I want you to help me" she says "if anyone can help me prepare to fight men it's you"

"No, no way" I say shaking my head "baby I am twice your size I could really hurt you"

"I trust you, please Joe I really want to do this" she pleads "I mean I guess I could ask one of the guys to help me"

"Alright I'll help you" I sigh

"Thank you baby" she smiles "I love you"

"I love you too baby" I say "I love you both, you know I'm not going to easy on you right?" I ask

"Oh I don't expect anything less" she says

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