Broken Hearts

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After the show


After my match was done I couldn't get back to the hotel quick enough, I had been lucky enough not to botch everything but my heart was just not in it. All I could think about was Jas I was worried and I just wanted to know if she was alright.

When I had got back stage Paul said he had spoken to her but all she had said was she was fine and would talk to me when I got back, but then why wouldn't she answer my calls? I had decided to just grab my stuff and go, I would get changed and showered back at the room.

When I walk into the room I find her sat on the end of the bed staring at the wall her title belt at the side of her, if I had to guess she hadn't moved from that spot since she sat there, I walk over and crouch down in front of her taking her hands in mine.

"What's going on baby" I say softly "You wouldn't answer my calls, you were seen going to medical, I've been worried sick"

"I'm pregnant Joe" she sighs and I don't hear any happiness in her voice

"That's good though right?" I ask "This is what we wanted"

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one having to give everything up" she says not looking at me

"I know this wasn't supposed to happen this soon" I say "but I'm sure you will be right back on top when you return"

"I've only just got there Joe" she says standing up and walking across the room "I'm not ready to give it up, I'm not ready for this to end"

"What are you saying?" I ask standing up to face her "Because I am really hoping you are not saying what I think you're saying"

"I don't know" she sighs "I need to get my head around this, I need to think about everything"

"Take all the time you need, you have at least 8 months" I joke trying to lighten the mood but it only seems to make her angry

"So that's it, the decision is made for me just like that" she snaps "what about me Joe what about what I want?"

"What do you want Jas?" I snap back "Because right now I'm not sure"

Jas doesn't answer me she just takes a seat on the chair in the corner of the room and puts her head in her hands, as she does I can't ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, is this really going where I think it's going.

Jasmine POV

The last thing I wanted was to have a fight with Joe, I just needed him to understand that I had a lot to get my head around, I had only just got the title and now it was being taken away from me and that alone had been a big shock, not to mention the idea of having two children under the age of two.

There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to have this baby I just needed to get used to the idea.

"You need to talk to me Jas I'm not a mind reader" he says "what do you want"

"I want no I need time to think" I say not looking at him

"You've had time to think since you left the arena hours ago" he growls "I don't understand what there is to think you wouldn't"

At Joe's words I look up at him and I can tell the thought alone is breaking his heart, I say nothing mainly because I can't believe he would even think that of me.

"No...Jas please tell me you are not going to choose that" he says pointing at my title "over our unborn child, please don't do this"

As I watch the tears fall from his eyes as his heart breaks further I know my silence isn't helping the situation, but I just can't believe he would think that I would do that, does he really think that little of me? Does he really not know me at all?

"Answer me damn it" he shouts as his tears give way to anger "I swear if you do this......."

"What! What are you going to do Joe?" I shout back my anger getting the better of me "What if I don't want this baby? What are you going to do?"

"We're done" he shouts back "you are obviously not the person I thought you were, not if a title means more to you then having a baby with me, I would never choose my title over you or our kids, you all mean more to me then any title ever will, I would give everything up for my family"

"Joe I never said....."

"You didn't have to" he says cutting me off and grabbing his bags "I know we've hurt each other before but after everything I never thought you would break my heart like this, I love you Jas but I can't stay and watch you do this"

He turns to leave and before I have a chance to speak he leaves the room and the door closes behind him, the guilt of what I have just done hits me and I crumple to the floor yes I had been angry because he thought that I would do something like that but I didn't mean what I said Joe and our children meant more to me then anything in this world and now I had lost him through my own stupidity.

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