Suprise & A New Friend

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Next Morning


Just like I had every day over the last week I park up at the hospital ready to visit Jas and our son but this time was different, not only did I have Kalia with me but this time when I leave my family will all be coming home with me.

The doctor had given the all clear for Makoa to come home today and for him to travel with meant it wouldn't be too much longer before I could finally make Jas my wife.

"Come on agelu time to see mummy" I say lifting my daughter out of her car seat "and your little brother is waiting to see you" Kalia still have asleep just rests her head on my shoulder and sucks her thumb as I walk through the hospital.

As I walk into Jas's room I find she is still a sleep but Makoa is starting to stir.

"Mama" Kalia says sitting up a little in my arms

"Shh babygirl don't wake her up just yet" I whisper "let's go see who's over here" I say walking over to the cot "agelu this is your little brother Makoa" I say as I take a seat with her on my knee

"Oa" she says and I smile

"That's right and he's coming home with us today" I say kissing her head "and so is mummy, and we have both missed her haven't we?" I ask and she nods

"I've missed you both too" turning I see Jas watching us both and she smiles, I stand up and walk over to her with Kalia, when Kalia sees her says "mama" and reaches out to her.

"Hey babygirl" Jas says taking her from me "oh I've missed you so much"

"You ready to come home?" I ask

"So ready" she smiles

"I'll go get the car seat I'll be right back" I say kissing her forehead

Jasmine POV

While I wait for Joe I sit and hold my little girl who is literally clinging to me, seems she missed me as much as I missed her.

When Joe returns he gets Makoa ready and puts him in the car seat, picking up the car seat he walks over to me.

"You want me to take her?" He asks

"Something tells me she won't want to let go of me" I chuckle "I'll be fine"

"Alright let's go home" he says placing an arm around my shoulder

The drive home seems to take no time at all and when we pull up outside the house I notice a few cars parked up around the house.

"What's going on?" I ask as Joe parks on the drive

"Theres a few people who wanted to see you" he smiles "you go on in, I'll get the kids"

When I walk in I am greeted by my parents, Joe's parents and Colby, I greet everyone in turn giving each of them a hug until I get to Colby.

"Hey you" I smile giving him a hug "what are you doing here?"

"I took a couple of days off to visit when I heard you were coming home" he says hugging me tightly "and there is some one I'd like you to meet" he says stepping back from me and putting his arm around the shoulders of an attractive orange haired woman "this is becky" he smiles

"Hi how are you, I'm Jas" I smile offering her my hand

"I've heard all about you" she smiles shaking my hand "It's great to finally meet you"

"All good I hope" I smile and she nods

"As if I would have a bad word to say about you" he smirks

Before I can say anything Joe walks on with the kids and everyone including Colby rushes over to look at Maoka.

"While they are crowding my son, how about we get a drink" I say to Becky

"Sure lead the way" she smiles

I lead her to the kitchen and go to the fridge to see what I have to offer her "diet coke alright?" I ask and she nods

"So have you and Colby ever been more than friends?" She asks

"Not really" I say "we are just extremely close, but I am more than happy to tone it down if your not comfortable with it" I say

"No I'm fine with it honestly I was just curious" she smiles

"You're not the first person to ask" I chuckle "I love him like a brother, he's been there for me alot over the years"

"Congratulations by the way on the baby" she smiles "sorry that was so rude of me"

"Thankyou" I smile "and it's fine, I wish I had known you were here I would have made myself more presentable"

"Are you kidding you look amazing" she laughs "so will you be coming back to wwe?" She asks

"I don't know" I say "I'm still thinking about it, I mean I miss it but I also want to be with my kids, I know Joe would love me to come back"

"Hey there you are" Colby says walking into the room and taking becky in his arms and kissing her "what are you two up to?"

"Just talking, getting to know each other" Becky smiles

"Yeah I think we are going to be really good friends" I smile and Colby beams

"I'd like that" Becky smiles

"Well we are going to have to love you and leave you" Colby says "I promised Becky a day out but we will come and see you before we head back on the road"

"Alright thank you for coming" I say giving him a hug "and it was lovely to meet you" I say letting go of him and hugging Becky

"And you" she says hugging me back "you are every bit as nice as he said you were"

"She's the best" Colby smiles "couldn't ask for a better friend"

"Stop or you're going to make me cry" I say "my hormones haven't settled yet" I say wiping my eyes and they both laugh

As I say a final goodbye to Colby and Becky I get the feeling Becky is going to be a permanent fixture from now on and I couldn't be happier for Colby.

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