Nothing Without Him

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Jasmine POV

I had no idea how long I had been on the floor for all I knew was that I had cried myself dry and all that was left was the pain I felt in my heart. I had not meant for this to happen, I love Joe with every breath in my body and being without him was something I never wanted to experience again.

Picking myself up off the floor I grab my phone and call Colby, maybe he could find Joe and get him to come back so that we could talk.

"Well if it isn't my favourite devil" he says when he answers my call

"Colb I need your help" I sniffle

"Hey what's wrong? What's happened?" he asks

"Joe.....I've lost him" I sob as tears I didn't know I had left start to fall.

"Where are you?" he asks sounding worried

"Our room" I say

"I'm on my way" he says ending the call

Within minutes Colby is in my room and I am sobbing in his arms doing my best to explain what had happened and how stupid I had been, but every word just makes everything more real, Joe was gone and I was going to be a single mother of two very young children in a few months.

"So let me get this straight" he says "you got angry because of him think you would do something like that and said you didn't want the baby?"

 "I said what if I didn't want the baby but I didn't mean it Colb" I say "I want this baby, I know I should have handled it better and I would give anything to have him here right now so that I could tell him that"

"Look I understand why he took things the wrong way" he says "and I also understand why you got angry eve though you absolutely should not have said that, what I think you both need is time to cool off"

"I don't think he will cool off" I sigh "I think I've lost him for good this time"

"well whatever happens you will always have me" he says kissing the top of my head

"thanks Colb" I say "Well I best give this back to Stephanie no sense in me keeping it"

After Colby leaves I pack up my things and head to Stephanie's room wheeling my case behind me, when I knock it doesn't take her long to answer.

"Jas hey I've been waiting to hear from you" She smiles

"I just stopped by to give you this" I say handing her the belt "I'm pregnant so I can't defend it"

"Oh congratulations" she says "You and Joe make the most beautiful babies"

"About that um Joe and I are no longer together" I say fighting back the tears "the thing is that all of this, the title, my career, it means nothing with out Joe by my side so I would also like to give you my resignation"

"I'll accept it on one condition" she says "that you take the time to really think things through, if you still want to quit fine but there will always be a place here for you"

"Thanks Stephanie" I say "I'll keep in touch"

We part with a hug and I head out of the hotel and into the Uber I had ordered, I ask the driver to take me to the airport and use my phone to book myself on the next flight home. When I arrive at the airport I check myself in and head through to the departure lounge.

"Hey Jas" a familiar voice calls out as I take a seat

"Randy please not know this is the last thing I need" I sigh as he sits next to me

"Jas I swear I just......."

"I know what you just wanted and it's not going to happen this time" I snap

"Ok first I'm dating some one, have been for a while and I'm happy" he says "And second I was just trying to be a friend and ask if you were alright"

"I'm sorry" I sigh "everything has gone to shit for me but I shouldn't have taken it out on you"

"Hey no worries" he smiles "look I am really sorry about what happened the day you had Kalia, I never meant for that to happen, I genuinely wanted to apologise, to be honest I'm surprised Joe hasn't beaten the crap out of me"

"That would be because he doesn't know about it" I say "and apology accepted"

"I know it's a long shot but I would like it if we could be friends" he says

"I'd like that too, I could use an extra friend right now" I sigh

"you want to talk about it?" he asks and I find myself looking at the ticket in his hand

"do you have time?" I ask and he nods

"I'm on the next flight to Pensacola" he says "couldn't get a direct flight to Tampa so I'm driving"

"Yeah me too, I'm going home to move out" I sigh "Joe and I have split up"

"Jeez I'm sorry Jaz" he says taking my hand in his "I really hope you two can work it out because what you have is rare, I always thought you two were forever"

"Yeah me too" I sigh as I fiddle with the ring on my left hand making a mental note to remember to leave it at the house "but I not listening and speaking in anger can be a deadly combo"

As our flight is called Randy and I grab our bags and head to our gate, when we get on the plane Randy some how manages to convince the stewardess to allow us to sit together and he puts our stuff in the overhead compartment.

"hope you didn't mind me doing this" he says as he sits down "I figure you weren't done talking and I didn't think you would want to sit alone"

"no not at all in fact I appreciate it" I say

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