If You Need It

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Jasmine POV

After Joe had calmed down he took me to lunch as he promised, however instead of the happy smiley Joe that I was expecting he was quiet and contemplative, like he had something on his mind.

When we got back to the hotel he was still quite and I couldn't ignore the look on his face as he helped me take off my shoes, as though he was thinking really hard about something.

"Thank you for lunch" I say "it was lovely"

"Mmm" is the response I get from him, walking over to him I cup his cheek and get him to look at me.

"What's on your mind handsome?" I ask and he smiles a little

"I was just thinking, maybe we should do the dna test anyway" he says "I don't trust Randy and at least we would be 100% sure she's mine"

"Alright" I say and he looks slightly shocked

"Really? You'll do it" he asks

"If you need this to be sure then yes I'll do it" I say and he smiles "I'll call the doctor and see when he can book us in"

"Thank you baby" he says giving me a quick kiss "I'm going to take a quick shower"

20 minutes later

"Hey what did the doctor say?" Joe asks as he emerges from the bathroom

"We are booked in for tomorrow morning and he reckons we'll have the results the same day" I smile "and we don't need Randy"

"Oh thank god" he sighs "I don't think I would have made it to the hospital without killing him"

"From now on it's just you and me" I say as he sits next to me on the bed

"I like the sound of that" he says kissing my shoulder

Next day

Waking up early I think it was fair to say we were both nervous, all we wanted was to be told she was Joe's, the alternative would quite frankly be a nightmare.

As Joe sits down to put on his sneakers he let's out a big sigh, walking over to him and standing in front of him I place my hands on his shoulders.

"Hey it's going to be fine" I say trying to reassure him

"I just want her to be mine so bad" he says taking hold of my hips and kissing my bump

"She is your's, this is just confirming what we already know" I say

"I love you" he says looking up at me with those beautiful brown eyes

"I love you too" I say "now come on let's get this over with"

When we get to the hospital and check in we are both taken off separately to have our blood samples taken. Once we are done we are brought back to the waiting area to wait for the results.

After an hour of waiting Joe was getting anxious, he continually switched between pacing the room and sitting down with his legs bobbing about.

"I know this isn't easy but please try and relax" I say as he sits down again

"I'm trying baby" he says "I just want to know"

"I know you do" I say taking his hand "but stressing yourself out isn't going to help"

"I'm sorry I just......."

"Miss Knowles, Mr Anoai?" The nurse says as she walks in the room

"Yes" we say together

"I have your results" she says

"And" Joe says impatiently

"Congratulations Mr Anoai she's yours" she smiles

"Thank you" he beams before turning and kissing me

"I told you didn't I" I say wiping the tears from his eyes

"I know but I just needed to be sure" he says "thank you for doing this"

"You're welcome" I say "all I want is for you to be happy"

"I am beyond happy right now" he smiles "so baby girl Anoai is going to need a name"

"Actually I have one that I like" I say "but until now I wasn't sure if I'd be able to use it"

"What is it?" He asks

"Kalia, it means beloved" I say and he smiles

"You picked a Samoan name" he smiles

"Yeah I always knew if she was yours I wanted her to have a Samoan name" I say "it just seemed right, I also liked Isa which means rainbow but Kalia stuck with me"

"Why not use both?" He asks "I love them both, Kalia Isa Anoai sounds perfect to me"

"That does sound perfect" I smile

"Then it's settled" he grins "there is one other thing"

"Oh what's that?" I say

"Well we can't raise her together if we are in separate states" he says "so how would you feel about moving to pensecola?"

"Sure I'm sure I could find a nice place near you" I say and he shakes his head "what?"

"I meant move in with me" he says "but if you don't want to thats fine I know it's fast"

"No I'd love to" I smile "we can be a proper family that way"

"That's exactly what I was thinking" he says "both of my girls under one roof"

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