Entering the lions Den

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4 hours later and I was in duskwood it was exactly as I imagined exactly as Jessie showed me it felt so warm but underneath it there was something there it made you feel cautious I headed  over to the motel to find Lily I just hoped to god she was there  she was shocked the expression on her face said it all she was shocked to see me there
Lilly : what are you doing here?

MC :I came here because I am needed here

Lilly :you're not supposed to be here Jake is going to go nuts if he finds out that you are here and that's not good

MC  : how did you know that Jake doesn't want me to be here

Lilly: well you see MC Jake kind of  told me well Jake told me that you should not come here he warned me against it

MC :when was the last time  you spoke to Jake ?

Lilly :I spoke to him like a few hours ago

MC : he didn't tell you anything did he

Lilly :no he didn't why ?

so I showed her the message but what does that mean honestly Lily I have no idea but I aim to find out what it is.

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