Disaster 3

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While I walked into the hospital I was feeling uneasy as I was about to get into the elevator. I saw Jessica , Phil , Thomas , Cleo ,her parents and Mac step out of the elevator . What the hell were they all doing here?

Jake : What are you all doing down here ?

Mac : You texted us all saying Hannah was down here to come here and meet you.

I looked at them  what the hell then i realized she was alone in the room and i guess the look on my face alerted them  I started running to the stairs phil was behind me I yelled at someone to call the police when i burst into the room i died a little she was on the floor unconscious and she was bleeding Hannah was standing over her with a gun i heard the door open behind me as the others came in .

Hannah : nobody moves or I'll kill her .

I stopped them.

Jake : Hannah look at me .

Hannah : no you were supposed to find me and we would be together but she won't let you , as long as she's alive we can't be together .

Jake : Hannah don't do it.

Hannah : She's pregnant. I saw her chart , she was pregnant, she's not anymore.

That was when I lost it ,she was crying and she was hysterical. I heard the indrawn gasp behind me.

Jake : What have you done?

Hannah : I got rid of it , we can be together now . We just have to get rid of her .

I needed to change my tactics. Everyone was quiet.

Jake : If you kill her we can't be together .

Hannah : You want to be with me ? You love me.

Jake : Yes I do, I was just testing you to see how much you love me . Let's go  me and you. We'll go far away from here where no one can ever find us .

I heard the indrawn breath behind me.

Hannah : Really .

Jake : yes , but if you kill her they'll take you away and we won't be able to be together .

I started walking slowly towards her. I needed that gun. I knew she wouldn't hurt me but I wasn't sure about the others .

Hannah : She has to go or She'll never let us be together. 

Jake : no she'll stay away I promise you I'll make sure of it but if you kill her they'll take you away look at me Hannah i promise you we'll be together.

I was closer to her. She was still staring at angel , she hasn't moved an inch since I came into this room . Then Hannah looked at me , I stretched my hand out towards her .

Jake : Give me the gun and we'll walk out of here and go far away. We'll be together , I love you I promise .

She seemed to hesitate then she handed it to me the minute i had it I threw it behind me and i honestly don't know what , why or how but i slapped her straight across the face , Mac walked over and grabbed her .

Jake : don't let her out of your sight mac

I rushed over to angel

Jake : Somebody get a fucking doctor in here .

I couldn't stay there i was going out of my mind

Jake : take care of her

Mrs mc : jake , jake

I walked out of there i didn't know where i was going i was too crazy to be there i went back to the hotel i was in such a rage i broke all the glasses and mirrors in the hotel room i sat on the bed  i was lost i don't know how many hours later the door opened and her mother walked in.

Mrs mc : Oh my god what happened , your hands are bleeding , we're going to the hospital .

She didn't wait for me to answer she dragged me along. I wasn't seeing or thinking .

Mac : What happened to him?

Mrs mc : he broke everything, his hands are bleeding, there's glass in his hands .

I don't remember much. All I remember is someone cleaning my hands then I saw her father .

Jake : the baby ?

Mr mc : she was already weak , she kicked her in her stomach , I'm sorry she lost the baby .

I knew it all the blood. I was sure this was all my fault .

Mr Mc : She wants to see you .

I walked with him to the room she was just laying there

Mrs mc : we'll leave you too alone

Mac : I'm sorry , I'll wait outside by the door and I won't let anyone in .

I couldn't say anything after they left. I walked over to her when she saw me she started crying. I got onto the bed with her and just held onto her.

Jake : when i first met you i was weird in my own way but you still didn't care , i avoided talking about feelings because i knew it would be trouble , then you told me you liked me and i started panicking because I didn't know what to say or how to feel because back then i knew I couldn't have a normal life .

Mc : I'm sorry I ruined your life .

Jake : No angel you didn't , after i had to disappear I only thought of you , everytime I spoke to you I wanted what you had to offer i wanted that life with you , i was happy talking to you, you gave me so much hope , i loved you then and i love you more and more everyday . Two days ago I had everything and now we lost something. I'm so sorry angel i really am.

Mc : She killed my baby

Jake : She's in prison. They'll take her to a mental facility. I'll make sure of it , your dad will make sure of it please tell me you trust me . Please tell me you still love me.

She said it through tears

Mc : I love you , i trust you  I want to go home jake .

Jake : We will angel we will and I'll never let you out of my sight .

I kissed her because I needed it. She needed it. I needed that connection . She was my life, my happily ever after.the one i would do anything for ,i stayed in the bed with her i wasn't leaving her . She drifted off to sleep and so did I . She was safe. We'd go home and be together. I have the rest of my life with her and I'll make everyday count , I'll show her how much I loved her everyday for the rest of my life.

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