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After we landed she seemed a bit more relaxed as we walked to the car. I started thinking I needed to speak with her father and mother .She was quiet on the ride to her house, which wasn't like her.

Jake : What's the matter Angel you're quiet and that's not normal.

Mc : nothing I'm just thinking

Jake : Thinking about what ?

Mc : nothing just a little surprise i have for you

Jake : hmm i wonder what that could be

Knowing her I don't think it would be something good , I needed to be careful with her . I'm going to have to go to Duskwood. I don't know how she's going to take that news .As the car pulled up to the gate and we drove up the driveway I was shocked she lived in a damn mansion. What the hell .

Jake : This is where you live ?

Mc : No, I grew up here, but I moved out when I turned 21.

Jake : Still It's kind of intimidating

Mc : don't think about it

As the car came to a stop I was still in shock at the size of this place. That's when I started having second thoughts, if this is the way she grew up could i make her happy ?

Mc : What's the matter ? You're making a weird face.

Jake : Nothing, it's just that I now realize that you're rich ,really really rich.

Mc : I'm not rich. My parents are rich. Besides, I don't really like the rich life. I prefer to work for what I want . My parents, especially my mom, almost lost it when I told her I didn't want their money. I wanted to make it on my own.

Jake : So you walked away

Mc : yep the first time I've ever used my parents wealth and status was for you .

she was owning me  more and more with her selflessness. She grabbed my hand and started walking towards the door before she reached it , it was opened .

Man : welcome home miss , how are you ?

Mc : Hello Gerald , I'm fantastic  Jake. This is Gerald our buttler or more like my mother's companion for gossip.gerald this is my boyfriend jake.

Jake : nice to meet you

Gerald : pleasure to meet you

Mc : Are they home ?

Gerald : Your mother is out to lunch and your father is in his office .

Mc : thanks Gerald

I had no idea where I was going. She was in charge. She walked up to a door and knocked then opened .

Mc : Dad we're back .

Mr mc : welcome home sweetheart , jake how are you ?

Jake : I'm good, thank you .

Mr Mc : Have you had lunch yet?

Mc : No not yet, I need to take a shower .

Mr mc : then go ahead show jake to his room

Jake : Angel, why don't you go ahead? I need to speak to your father .

She just looked at me. I smiled at her to reassure her it was ok , after  she walked out. I locked the door behind her .

Mr mc : have a seat , what seems to be the problem jake

Jake : I love your daughter more than anything in this world and I want to marry her .I know that a man in your position will wonder if I could possibly take care of her and provide for her.

Mr Mc : well every father would ,she's my only child .

Jake : I understand that before I was on the run I was a creator , developer and programmer. I created a string of video games that earned me a rather good amount of money. In two weeks I'll be working with the FBI. I'm not worried about money. I have a whole lot of that .I just want her.

Mr mc : i see as parents we only want the best for our children and she loves you which is a first.

Jake : All I want is to be with her and keep her happy .

Mr Mc : I'm assuming you haven't bought a ring yet .

Jake : I wanted to speak to you first , after a shower I'll go out later today with mac to get one.

Mr mc : very well then you have my blessings .

Jake : thank you

Just then we heard a knock on the door he walked over to open it. A woman walked in; she was  an older version of  angel .

Mr mc : jake this is my wife

Jake : Hello mam nice to meet you , you have a lovely home

Mrs mc : thank you and it's nice to finally meet you. Is everything ok ?

Mr Mc : yes it is he's just asked for our daughter's hand in marriage .

Mrs mc : well I'll leave that to you then you know what's best for her .

Mr Mc : I've already given him my blessings .

Mrs mc : then welcome to the family jake

She walked over and hugged me she literally hugged me , I don't allow people to touch me mc was the only one . But I'm thinking it's normal for everyone else.

Mrs mc : this calls for a celebration

Mr mc : not yet he hasn't asked her yet he'll be getting a ring later on besides we have the charity dinner tonight and they both need some rest.

Just then she walked in and walked over to her mother and hugged her

Mc : i missed you mom

Mrs mc : you always do sweetheart how have you been ? Have you been eating properly?

Mc : yes i have I'm good , is everything okay

Mrs mc : of course it is i need to go take a nap we have a dinner to attend

Jake : Angel, can you show me to my room? I need to take a shower .

Mc : Sure let's go

Mr mc : jake what time do you need mac for

Jake : in an hour should be good.

Mr mc : ok I'll let him know to be on standby

Jake : thank you

I walked out the door and followed her up the stairs my room was right next to hers  after I walked in i heard the lock behind me before i could turn around and register what was happening  She was on me.

Jake : Angel your parents are right out there

Mc : i don't care

She lunged at me and started kissing me. She was trouble , the kind of trouble I needed .I hope she never changes.

Jake : Please, Angel, I need to take a shower i have to be somewhere in an hour . It's important .

She pulled away from me

Mc : fine

Then she walked out and slammed the door ,now she was mad , i just stood there shaking my head i knew what she wanted but she would have to wait.someone had already brought my backpack to the room i got my clothes out and  walked into the bathroom i needed a long cold shower I don't know how long i was in there .
After I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I stood in front of the mirror ,i needed a shave , i wasn't expecting what I saw when I walked out of that bathroom . She was standing there bracing on the room door with only her bra and underwear on . This girl was trying to kill me .Jesus fucking Christ I don't know if i said it out loud but every rational thought I had started to go out the window. There's only so much a man can tolerate.

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