chapter 31

634 24 2

One year later


I couldn't ask for anything else in life i was happy my kids were freaking amazing and loved, our house is always full when the twins were six months old jake wanted to get married again this time he wanted the whole deal so he got it ,we flew everyone out to the island and got married there it was intimate just us and the people that mattered the most . jessy and Thomas are still together they moved in with each other , Shannon moved to Duskwood to be closer to phil they were getting pretty serious ,cleo had a boyfriend , Lilly was dating someone but she wasn't saying anything and we respected that and richy well  he was still single , Ava has this attachment to phil their first birthday was crazy everyone showed up a week before and made us so damn crazy that after they left it felt so lonely . Phil calls three times a week to talk to Ava which drives Jake up a wall. His first words for Phil were " so now you're after my daughter ?" Even after everything they get along well . Lilly was amazing she called almost everyday to talk to Ava and Cameron she was here for most of the holidays .My parents were going crazy  almost two times a week. Dad and Jake have some argument over the stuff he buys for them or because he was sneaking the kids out of their room to sleep with them. Cameron was another deal usually boys are rowdy but he has this quiet way about him just like Jake he doesn't scream or yell and he never allows Ava to take the blame once i saw her writing on the playroom wall with a marker when i asked who did it Cameron just looked at me with his sweet little face and said " me mama" i didn't have it in me to yell at him . Ava ,well jake got what he wanted. Ava was all me and she had an answer for everything. I wasn't getting involved with her. I just simply left jake to handle her. Ava and Cameron had this way of talking to each other now. I know twins have their own way but this wasn't normal. It's like they were speaking in codes or some shit i had Jake research that shit ,they were never far apart from each other, they shared the same room and would look after eachother it didn't matter what Ava and Cameron were doing or who they were with the minute they saw or heard their jake they forgot about everything and went to him sometimes i would wake up in the night and find him standing in their room looking at them . Now Jake was amazing ,he was still working for the FBI plus doing his own thing on the side . He's never changed, he's still the same , he's way gone over the kids because the minute he sees them he lights up right now he went to work and it's another story when he gets home.


I was tired. Usually my trip to the head office doesn't take long but today was a day of all days . As i parked my car and got out i heard the commotion coming from the garden i walked into the house i heard them before i saw them
" Dada Daddy "
Jake " come here you too "
I dropped my bag and I bent down and picked them both up Ava " dada kiss "
Cameron " me toooo "
They wanted their kiss Ava was a handful Cameron was me through and through i didn't think i could love anyone or anything more than I love MC but my kids were my everything Mac was now responsible for them and angel my in-laws were over the moon my father-in-law usually spoiled them rotten I don't know who or what happened but one day there was a huge ass  playground out back he would let Ava paint his nails for extra kisses . Their latest obsession was a pony i made it clear it was not happening .i saw phil walking out from the kitchen
Jake " what the f "
Four little eyes turned and looked at me
Jake " fish are you doing here ?"
Phil " party dude "
Ava " Ava wants party "
I just looked at him yea he was now after my daughter. I didn't mind that she liked him and I know he only had their best interest at heart .I saw Angel walking out from the kitchen. She usually had this look on her face when they did something. I didn't think it was possible to love her anymore but everyday I love her a bit more .
Angel " hey babe "
Jake " hello angel "
Ava " ava princess "
Jake " yes you are , what happened and who did it ? "
Jake " Cameron tell daddy what you did "
Cameron " dada gampa pony "
At the mention of pony ava started screaming to be put down i put them both down and looked at her i walked through the kitchen out the back door i stopped short everyone was out there
Jake " really ?"
Dad " we went shopping for toys and the said they wanted a pony The bullied me i swear"
Jake " two one year olds bullied you forget it "
We sat out there talking. Soon it was bath time , it was sort of a tradition angel and I gave them their baths and put them to bed .
That evening when the house was quiet i stood at their room door looking at them i was lucky as fuck i kissed both of their tiny heads and left them when i got to our room she was standing by the balcony door .
Jake " i missed you today "
Mc " i missed you too "
Hannah was still in the facility. She wasn't getting better ,Dan was out of jail but i was on top of that he couldn't enter any state we were in without me knowing about it , Grace was warned to keep away .
My life was perfect. I had an amazing wife , two amazing kids ,my sister who wants what's best for me. I never thought I would have friends but they've become friends who are always there and who I can rely on and trust . I have a family which i never expected i was happy more than anyone could imagine what started with me hiding form the government , trying to find my missing sister , meeting a random stranger , someone who became more , who saved me , made me want to have a life ,be a better person , someone who loved me and made me feel . She was my angel , she became my wife and the mother of my children. I loved her more and more everyday and I showed her too. I never let a day go by without telling her and showing her how much I loved her and was grateful for her .
Jake" i love you angel , always and thank you for saving me "
Mc" i love you too jake , for the rest of my life , I'll always save you because you're worth saving "
I went to bed holding my angel b knowing I had everything I could ever want  and I'd always treasure them for the rest of my life.

The End

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