where is she ?

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Jake's POV

Something was wrong I don't know what it was but I have the feeling that something was wrong there's just this feeling why do I feel like something is wrong I need to speak to MC I know I told her I had to leave but I need to speak with her I tried calling texting nothing is working where is she why isn't she answering she always replies
Jake : Lily when was the last time you spoke to MC

Lily : I spoke to her a few hours ago why

Jake : she's not answering

Lily : maybe she has stuff to do she'll text you when she has Time

Jake : no something is wrong it feels different

Lily : oh come on Big Brother you can't really mean that she's probably busy she'll text you when she has the chance

Jake : did she say anything to you anything out of the way out of the norm

Lily : no it was a normal conversation

Jake : but she's not at home

Lily : how do you know that

Jake : you do realize I am a hacker right I hacked her phone camera her phone is on but her house is quiet there's no sound and it's completely dark

Lily : is there no limit to what you can do big brother you need to stop she probably forgot her phone she's out with her friends or something you do realize she has a life and Friends other than us in duskwood don't you

Jake : but still I have this feeling

Lily : you really do feel that don't you

Jake : of course I do

Lily : tell me Big Brother do you actually like her

Jake : I I don't know

Lily : what do you mean you don't know it's either you like her or you don't

Jake : I just I've never considered my feelings before I've never got carried away with my feelings

Lily : well I think it's time you do because I think MC is in love with you

Jake : no that's not possible it can't happen

Lily : come on Jake face the facts ever since she came to us you have been protecting her

Jake : but I don't want what happened to Hannah happen to her too you saw what happened to Richie I don't want that to happen to MC

Lily : there's always going to be danger Big Brother as long as we are involved in this case as long as we have to find Hannah there will always be Danger

Jake : but I can't put MC through that I just can't I would die if something happened to her

Lily :;and there it is you love her but you don't even know it yet

Jake : no that's not love

Lily : okay what if I told you something happened to MC and you would never be able to speak to her again no one can find her how would you feel

Jake : I ....I would do everything in my power to find her to speak to her again .

Lily : that big brother is love when you would do anything and everything for that person you don't want anything to happen to them

Jake : I need to come to terms with what I feel for MC but the fact is I can't find her I tracked her phone her phone is at home she's not there so where is she ?

Lily: I honestly don't know Jake I'll try texting and calling and if I get a response I'll let you know but my honest opinion Big Brother you need to tell her how you feel because I asked her once what was her relationship with you when you blew up the voting and you disappeared you had to go into hiding she said it was complicated now I understand what she meant she's in love with you but you haven't accepted the way you feel about her yet and you won't even tell her

Jake : I just want to find her I need to talk to her I just don't feel right

Lily : it's okay big brother I'll let you know when I talk to her

oh God please let her be okay I can't allow anything to happen to her I would go crazy if I can't ever find her again I need to tell her how I feel or this is going to cost us everything.

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