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What favours was Phil talking about? I needed my bed. I remembered I didn't want Jake to find out about this and hopefully they wouldn't send the deputy to the same prison because Jake was there and I didn't want him to get into any fights.

Mc : mac can you do me a favour

Mac : sure miss

Mc : I need the chief to know to keep deputy Justin away from Jake if they'll be in the same prison .

Mac : I'll go and take care of it. Phil  stay here with her .

Mc : I don't need a babysitter .

Mac : you don't get a choice when it comes to your safety .

I just rolled my eyes. This was going wonderful not only with Mac  but now Phil. I just headed inside to the kitchen  While grabbing a bottle of water Phil walked in.

Phil : sooo you can handle a gun

I just looked at him  he was going to make this hard for me .

Mc : Phil, I'm warning you .

Phil : He says the same thing too , why him ?

Mc : Sorry, what do you mean ?

Phil : I'm curious why you choose him?

I just stared at him why jake hmm

Mc : It's the other way around he kinda chose me

Phil : meaning .

Mc : same thing he chose me it just happened i fell for him without even knowing that I was falling for him.

Phil : hmm

Mc : goodnight phil

Phil : yea good night mc

Mc : Phil you don't need to stay here anymore you can go back to your life .

Phil : yea I'll get on that soon  hey mc

Mc : yes

Phil : do you even work

I started laughing that no one ever really asked me if I did when people find out my parents are rich they automatically think I don't work .

Phil : what's so funny

Mc : people don't usually ask that anyway I'm a freelance typist and transcriber .

Phil : really that sounds boring

Mc : it isn't the stuff i get to work with is amazing plus i work when i want how I want and from anywhere in the world I want .

Phil : when you put it like that it sounds good

Mc : night Phil

Phil : night mc


This cell was quiet without Aurora's crazy Talking I kinda missed his company. I hope Angel was ok. I want to build a house for her, the perfect home for us. I hope I'll get the chance . Right then I heard the guard.

Guard :  you'll be getting a New cell mate jakey boy

Jake : Sure as long as he's not going to be trouble .

Guard : na he's injured so  by tomorrow afternoon you won't be alone.

Jake : ok

Guard : sweet dreams

He walked away. I needed to call an angel tomorrow. I needed a pad and pen. I needed to draw up some things. I needed to get started on what I needed to do for us. I wondered how Lilly and Hannah were doing. I hoped she was feeling better , I didn't need anything else bothering me .I miss her. I can admit that I really do . I needed some rest, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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