chapter 21

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It's been raining since yesterday the storm hasn't let up last night a tree fell over somewhere on the beach i heard it but she didn't she slept through all the noise she hadn't been sleeping properly I didn't have much to do i woke up before her and just laid there looking at her she looked so peaceful when i checked the time it was almost 7 it was still raining pretty hard and it was dark .
Mc " Now i know what you mean "
Jake " mean about what ?"
Mc " when you say you can feel me staring at you feels nice but weird in a way "
I started laughing 
Jake " weird really "
Mc " yes but in a good way you know what i mean "
Jake " yes i do angel do you want to get up"
Mc " No i feel good right here "
She just opened her eyes and looked at me , how is it possible to love someone so much , worried about them every single minute they're out of your sight. I really am lucky.What if Hannah was never in trouble ? I would have never met her. She would belong to someone else ,she would be waking up with someone else having someone else's child that thought  scared me and pissed the hell out of me at the same time before I knew what I was doing. I was on top of her.she was looking at me smiling
Mc " What made you angry ?"
How the hell did she figured it out
Jake " what makes you think I'm angry?"
Mc " well the only time you usually grab me by the throat is when something pisses you off "
When i looked at her neck sure enough my hands were there i didn't even realize i was doing it
Jake " Sorry love i didn't realize i was doing it "
I pulled my hand away and looked at her
Mc " so ?"
Jake " So what ?"
She looked at me with a look that said don't act dumb so i told her she just looked at me
Mc " well we don't ever have to worry about that "
I barely escaped from her it was now 1 in the afternoon after i told her it was like she went nuts cornering me into making love to her was it a pregnancy thing or was she naturally like that i was in the office she was making lunch i found her doctors number and decided on calling him
Jake " hello doctor "
Doctor " Jake, is something wrong ?"
Jake " umm no i just needed to ask you some questions "
Doctor " Sure, what can i help you with?"
Jake " so pregnancy i know the necessary but otherwise i mean "
How the hell would i explain this to him my wife literally wants to have sex all day
Then i heard him laughing
Doctor " i understand your predicament , usually pregnancy changes a woman's hormone levels they are more how should i put it they are more inclined to initiate sex they Will have a higher sex drive but it usually happens around the person who got them pregnant "
Jake " thank you doc "
I hung up and sat there staring out the door. I saw her walking towards the office. How the hell would I handle being with her for a month ,she has eight more months to go .
Mc " come on let's eat "
I just left the phone on the table and followed her out after lunch i told to go choose a movie while i  cleared out the dishes she had just left me when i heard my phone ringing
Jake " Angel can you answer that for me "
I really didn't care who was calling if it was important she would let me know .
I heard her talking but who was she talking to so I wiped my hands and walked to the office. She had her back to the door just as I was about to ask her who it was. I heard her say grace so I walked back out and stood by the door waiting to hear what she would say.


Why would he send me to answer his phone? I found it on the office desk. There wasn't a name so i answered but before i could say a word the person on the other end started talking i knew exactly who it was.
Grace " jake listen please don't hang up i know you're married and you love your wife ,but that day when i saw you i fell for you instantly besides it can be our secret just between me and you what she doesn't know won't hurt her "
Mc " Grace Really you just can't get it into your head right , he's married he's not interested "
Grace " He's only with you because you're a spoilt little rich girl "
I started laughing because she was annoying and funny as hell
Mc " Funny thing is he was in love with me before he knew about the money besides what could you do for him sure as hell not the things i do "
Grace "  you're just a good fuck that's all a divorce can solve that "
Grace " Well he just burnt the divorce papers and fucked me senseless and there's no one else in this world that could get those reactions out of him . Did you notice the way he spoke to you that's because you're not even a thought for him hell not even an after thought , besides i protect what's mine keep fucking with me and you'll end up in a place where the sun never shines not even an fly would find you there , and you'll stay there until i decide you've learnt your lesson or you die which one happens first is your choice .and if you think it's not possible trust me when it comes to my husband i would  kill for him. You can be the first .if you think I'm crazy keep fucking with me and let him find out he's crazier than i am cause he can do much worse to anyone that trys to  fucks with his wife . Now don't ever call his phone again "
I disconnected the call and put the phone back on the desk and walked back to the living room after a few minutes he came in .
Jake " who called ?"
Mc " wrong number "
I wasn't telling him shit he was mine and I was his .


Holy shit she really meant what she told grace for some reason i was happy as fuck because it proved to me she really believed me that i would never leave and i loved her all the more and i believed she would do anything for me she has proven that many times she was also right in thinking i wouldn't stop to think if anyone hurt her .

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