Blending In

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Before I left for duskwood I had a plan I knew what I was doing I knew what Jake was capable of he would find me so I had left my phone behind I needed to purchase a new one and I would have to stay at the motel

MC :Lily no one can know that I am here do you understand what
I'm saying

Lilly :but why MC

MC :let's just say it's a test I'm just another tourist traveling around I'm just staying for a while do not mention it to anyone in the meantime I'll need another phone because Jake is going to track my number I left my phone at home that way he won't suspect anything you are to ignore me if anyone asks you met me at the hotel that is all there is to it I'm just a traveler in the meantime I'll try blending in and making my way around Duskwood as a normal tourist would. I need to find out exactly what is happening here and what happened to Richie and Hannah I need you to keep this a secret do you understand .

Lilly Gave me a room it was a modest room I couldn't lie it wasn't really homey  but it would have to suffice I couldn't take any chances of staying with Lilly or the others would know I didn't want anyone to know I got unpacked and I asked Lily for directions where I could get a new phone and she pointed me so I threw on my blue shirt my black jeans and my sneakers I grabbed my backpack and I figured it's going to be a long day I started walking headed to the town square the pictures Jessy sent couldn't compare to how it was actually beautiful and it was a nice day also while walking I saw the Rainbow Cafe and I decided why not drop in and grab a bite to eat as it is I had a lot of walking to do as I entered  I placed my order and I took a seat I opened my book well it's more of a folder but within that book there's a folder so I usually use the book as a cover to look through all the notes all the clues Jake and I found after having a cup of coffee and having a muffin I realized I had this strange feeling someone was looking at me when I looked up there he was sitting Phil I was almost shocked but I remembered he doesn't know me he hasn't seen me yet so it's time to put my put my plan into action I looked at him

MC :hi

Phil: hi do I know you ?

MC :I don't think so I'm just here for a week or two just traveling

Phil : you ,you look familiar like I've spoken to you

MC : I don't think  so if i had  ever spoken to a guy that looks as good as you I would remember

I ended it  with a laugh

Phil : may I join you at your table

I'm thinking to myself there's two ways that this could go either he doesn't recognize me he doesn't put two and two together or he busts me right here right now

MC :sure you can

Phil : hi my name is Phil

MC : hi my name is Nia

Phil : where are you from 

MC : I'm actually from upstate New York but I'm just doing some traveling before I get back to work

Phil : that's nice how long are you visiting for ?

MC : two weeks at the most but if I find it more interesting and I like what I see I may stay for a bit longer

Phil : well that's good to know I own the bar Aurora why don't you stop by sometime

MC : thank you for the invitation that sounds nice maybe I'll drop by later in the evening

I could see it I could see him thinking the way his eyes moved as  he watched me he was trying to figure out  something

MC : why do you keep looking at me like that

phil : it's just that you're really beautiful and your voice it's like I know you but I don't know you at the same time

MC : I get that a lot that usually happens it's no big deal

Phil : okay then I'll take your leave by the way Nia do you have a number that I can contact you on

MC :  actually I lost my phone when I was getting here I kind of misplaced my phone on the aircraft hopefully they find it and they return it to me but in the meantime I'll need to purchase a new phone I was just about to do that but I saw this cute little cafe and I decided to have a bite before I started doing my rounds just walking around

Phil : sure whenever you get your phone when you come to the Aurora you can give me your number maybe we can stay in touch 

MC :  okay that sounds like a good idea nice to meet you Phil and enjoy the rest of your day .

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