why now ?

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I can't believe it i did it  phil didn't even recognise me , after i finished my coffee  i decided i would walk around i headed  to the store to purchase a new phone it was 1 of those cheaper ones as i already had one but i didn't have any numbers oh boy why didn't i  think about writing down the numbers before i left i was in such a hurry to get to the Duskwood it absolutely slipped my mind anyway i decided i would walk around crap i should have grabbed one of the map of the Duskwood from the hotel anyway i decided i should call my mom and check in on her as i haven't called her for the last two weeks something i normally do it's just  this case has had me mixed up  at a very  young age my mom had a number drilled into my head god forbid i was kidnapped when coming home from classes  if she ever knew about this that i am involved in it oh boy she would never let me out of her sight ever again so i dialled her number

mc :mom how are you

mom : mc something terrible happened

mom : what happened

mom :  your dad  had a nasty fall and he's in the hospital he's unconscious

MC : when did this happen mom

mom : it happened three days ago

MC :why didn't you call me why didn't you tell me ?

Mom :I didn't want you to be worried I figured he would be okay

MC :  mom how could you not tell me that's it I'm coming right now

Mom : no you don't need to he's going to be fine it's just that he hasn't waked up as yet

MC : when that happens Mom it's usually serious I'm on my way now

I couldn't believe this I forgot to check in with my mom so much happened and she didn't even tell me this case has been driving me nuts I decided to head back to the hotel I needed to leave I needed to speak to Lily and leave I needed to go be with my dad and my mom as I turned around started heading back towards the hotel I thought I saw Thomas and Jessy but that couldn't be so I stopped and turned around and there they were Thomas and Jesse but whatever what were they doing together now that's a thought for me anyway I decided to continue on they didn't notice that I saw them however I am a stranger to them so as I headed back to the hotel I saw some kids playing they looked really happy wish I could go back to that time when it was easier when it was much more simpler no stress no problems and most of all no work as I got to the hotel and  walked in I saw Lily  just as I was about to speak to her an older woman came up the older woman asked who is this Lily

Lilly : This is Our Guest her name is

MC : hi my name is Nia I'm just staying for short while here you have a very lovely hotel and the town is beautiful also

the older woman : well thank you my name is Mrs Walters and I own the hotel and thank you for staying

MC : thank you for having me but unfortunately there has been an incident back home with my dad and I have to leave however I would like to come back as  I haven't seen all of Duskwood as yet

Mrs : Walters we would love to have you back you're welcome anytime

MC : thank you I should really go get packing I really need to leave as soon as possible

Mrs : Walters okay you do that and I will see you the next time you are here

and with that she walked away

Lily : oh my God what happened please tell me you just say that said that just to get her to leave

MC : actually no my dad had a really bad accident and he's in the hospital he's unconscious I need to leave

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