Chapter 28

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I don't remember anything i saw phil and Thomas running towards someone mac and dad were getting into the car with Jake i couldn't stop crying i couldn't lose him now
Lilly " come on MC "
I didn't know how I i got to the hospital everything was  a blur when we got there the doctor and nurses were already waiting for us
Dad " mac i want the fucking person who shot him i don't care if they're dead or alive "
He has to be alive
Mom " calm down sweetheart "
Mc " i can't , i want him back "
Lilly " he'll be okay stop crying "
Mc " i want him back ,he promised ,i want him back "
Phil " Hey come on relax he'll be okay mc "
Mc " why ,why is this happening i just wanted him to be happy and now he could die "
Lilly " He's not going to die ,he's strong besides he won't ever leave you alone"
Dad " Come on sweetheart ,you have to be strong for you and your child "
Mc ' How can i when I don't even know what's happening with him "
Dad " whoever did this will pay for this trust me "
Phil " Lilly get her something to drink "
Mc " I don't want to anything "
Phil " He won't want to see you like this , you need to eat or drink something "
Mc " no i just want him back with me "
i wasn't hungry ,i was lost he had to be okay ,i couldn't do this without him.the minute i saw the blood on his shirt my heart felt like it stopped.i prayed a silent prayer hoping that he was okay It was going on to eight in the evening when the doctor walked over to us i got up instantly
Doctor " Now mc you need to calm down I can't have your blood pressure going up again "
Mc " where is he ?"
Doctor " he's okay he just came out of surgery the bullet went through his right side thankfully it didn't hit any vital organs he's asleep but you can see him "
Lilly " he's okay mc you need to calm down "
Mc " I want to see him "
Phil " Come on we'll take you to him "
I didn't know where we were going. When I walked into the room I died a little because  I realized I forgot how to live without Jake and if he was taken away from me I would probably be worse off than Hannah.
Just then mac walked in with Dan the minute I saw him i flew in a rage i started walking towards him
Mc " you tried to kill him "
I felt Someone holding me back
Richy " MC no "
Dan " it wasn't supposed to be him it was supposed to be you "
Dad " you want to repeat that , my fucking son is lying in a hospital bed because of you and now you're saying it was supposed to be my daughter "
Dan " All of you switched sides even you Lilly , Hannah is your sister "
Lilly " My sister is dead , the person you're calling Hannah is someone else"
Dan " i told you i wanted to be with you jessy ,but no you chose Tommy boy "
Jessy " Dan you're impossible , you can stay at one job for long , you're always blaming others for your mistakes , you don't care what you say and who you hurt ,your excuse is  sorry you're always sorry "
Dan " If all of you listened to me in the beginning and stayed away from him none of this would be happening They told me so ,He promised Hannah would be here with Thomas ,and you would be with me , MC wouldn't even be in our lives and he would be in prison "
Richy "  it was you wasn't it "
Cleo " what are you talking about Richy ?"
Richy " It was him he gave evidence against Phil it was him he told alan everything "
Phil was starting to walk towards him
Mc " Thomas grab him "
Dad " well as you're so fond of telling others what's best for them you'll have a chance because not only did you shoot my son ,but a FBI agent I'll make sure you stay away for a.very long time . Mac take him to the airfield the jet is waiting the director will meet you when you land "
Phil " wait I'm coming with you too I don't trust Dan not to escape "
After they left i just stood there looking at him
Jessy " Come on mc he'll be okay we need to get you home ,you need to rest "
Mc " no I'm not leaving him , i'm staying right here until he wakes up "
Mom " it's okay girls here father already called security to watch them tonight "
Cleo " Are you sure you want one of us to stay with you ?"
Mc " thank you cleo but no you guys were working all day to make this day perfect i know you have to be tired go home and relax I'll be fine "
After they left the doctor walked in with a nurse who brought in another bed
Doctor " come lay here mc i need to check you up "
Mc " why ?"
Doctor "  well your father is outside making sure both of you are okay and no one comes in this room
Mc " hmm "
After my checked me he just looked at me
Doctor " he'll be fine he should be awake in an hour i didn't say anything earlier cause I did want everyone here when he woke up "
Mc " thank you doc "
I sat in the chair next to him holding his hands
Mc " we're having a girl just like you wanted , now i know exactly how you felt  when i had that accident .  I don't know how to live without you Jake. I really don't . I died a little today when I saw you bleeding. I thought I lost you . Come back to me, come back to us we need you . You mean everything to me you're my everything i love you "
I sat there just talking to him until i fell asleep some was squeezing my hands i opened my eyes instantly he was awake i started
Mc " Jake "
Jake " Don't cry angel I'm okay No don't call them yet"
Mc " why not ?"
Jake " what happened ?"
Mc " Dan tried to shoot me but hit you instead , I'm sorry jake I'm so sorry i wanted you to be free and happy and look what keeps happening i should have listened to Lilly and stayed away from you . I can't see you hurt "
Jake " Don't you ever say that again, nothing is going to keep me away from you angel i love you "
Mc " I love you too "
I saw the look on his face i knew he was in pain
I buzzed for the doctor he walked in with my dad behind him "
Doctor " how do you feel ?"
Jake " like shit "
He looked  my dad dead in the eye
Jake " where is he? "
Dad " He's already gone son "
He just nodded and and closed his eyes
Jake " she's needs to go home and rest dad Take her home "
Mc " i am not going anywhere I'm staying here with you "
Jake " please don't be stubborn love "
Doctor " it's okay jake tomorrow you'll go home "

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