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I woke up and I was in pain damn it really was irritating I knew something was wrong I'm trying to remember something but I can't remember it I sat up in the hospital bed confused did that happen last night I remember someone was with me but I couldn't remember his face I smelled weird I smelled like smoke but not the cigarette smoke this was richer it smelled like cigar and mint and that's when it came back to me Jake he was with me last night oh God I hope nothing happens to him I could not to let him come here why would he do that I need to text Lilly just as I was about to grab my phone the doctor walked in

Doc : good morning MC nice to see you joining us

MC : good morning doc how am I looking can I leave the hospital today

doc : I'm sorry MC but you'll need at least one week here you're suffering from dehydration and malnutrition plus you've got three broken ribs you had a slight concussion your wrist is sprained so you'll be staying  for a week or a little bit more than a week

shit I'm mumbled under my  breath the fucker was going to pay for this

MC : hey Doc the nurse that was here last night

Doc :  had a family emergency but he'll be back shortly MC please don't tease him

Mc :  why not I mean you're the one who keeps giving me free drugs and I can't help it.

Doc : If your father knew that you were teasing the nurses he would take you home

MC:  then go ahead and tell him I want to go home

Doc : Mc you need to stay here now the police they want to speak to you they want to find out what happened they will be here at 9:00 when your parents get here to question you okay so I'll have to hold off on giving you any pain medication until after that .

Crap I needed to come up with a story and a story fast I took a shower and ate some of the terrible hospital food I wanted a burger but there was no chance I was getting one of them just as I was about to berate  the nurse for trying to make me eat porridge my mom walked in

mom : hello sweetheart how are you

she walked over to me and gave me a kiss

MC :  I'm fine Mom

Dad : sweetheart there's some police officers here that would like to speak to you about what happened

MC : sure let them in

the two officers came I knew one of them he was an older man he was actually friends with my dad I knew his son we went to the same school together

officer Davis :  good morning MC I'm so sorry this happened to you if you're up to it  can we talk about what happened exactly

MC : morning officer Davis it's okay
I'll tell you everything you need to know you don't need to ask any questions so the evening of the charity event I wasn't feeling well so I decided to go home after I went home I had a bit of medicine and I fell asleep I woke up when I heard Mom and Dad calling so that's when they told me about my best friend Sam that he had accident that he had died I was confused and sad so I had mentioned to mom that I would head to the family Island so I left that same evening  I wrote a note and I left it for Mom

Mom :  Yes dear we found the note that is why we weren't worried

MC :  anyway  while I was driving down the road a van came up behind me I just thought I'd slow down and let them pass and they did after I drove about a mile I saw the van parked at the side of the room they probably had a flat so I drove past them I drove for like a quarter mile and then out of nowhere something came out in front of the car and I had to stomp on the breaks  I was shaking because I didn't know if I hit someone or something I didn't get out of the car I was just looking around and then all of a sudden the back door opened and the next thing I know I felt a pain in my neck and that was it I guess I blacked out when I woke up I was in a room my hands were handcuffed  there was nothing in the room it was a concrete room I couldn't hear anyone I can see anything my eyes were uncovered my feet were tied to the chair it was a metal chair then a guy came in he was wearing a ski mask and he beat me

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