where do we go from here ?

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So I spent two days with my mom and dad until my mom finally kicked me out she said there was no need for me to be there she would take care of dad I don't have to worry about anything i didn't have any other choice so i decided to head back home . Mom had this look in her eyes the look of wanting to ask something but whatever she saw while looking at me she changed her mind.

(Meanwhile in the group chat )

Jessy : Hey has anyone spoken to       MC

Dan : nope why ?

Thomas : now that you mention it no

Cleo : no i haven't that is really strange maybe lilly knows or jake

Jake : Unfortunately i Haven't been able to contact MC in the last few days :(

Dan : aren't you the hackerman can't you track her ?

Thomas : dan now is not the time to make jokes Mc could be missing.

Jake : believe me i have  but her phone is home and she's not there .

Jessy : this is bad ☹️

Lilly :. Hey guys what's up ?

Cleo : lilly when was the last time you spoke to MC ?

Lilly : two days ago  didn't i tell you guys ?

Jake : tell us what ? Where is she ?

Lilly : calm down guys MC had a family emergency her dad had an accident so she went to visit her parents apparently she forgot her phone .

Thomas : thank goodness

Jessy : you could have told us sooner we were getting worried it's not like MC to not reply .

Jake. : She really is ok ?

Lilly : guys she fine she's probably going to be home today .

Dan : hear that hackerman your girlfriend is ok  you Guys need to stop worrying .

Cleo : we have every  reason to be worried dan we are all in danger at some point.

Dan : what i meant to say was that MC isn't in Duskwood so we don't have to worry about the creepy dude going after her  that's all

( Private chat )

Jake : she called you when ?

Lilly : two days ago

Jake : why didn't you tell me i was so worried

Lilly : sorry i figured you're always reading our messages and monitoring our calls u would find out .

Jake : i stopped doing that after MC asked me to .

Lilly : wow I'm sorry i didn't tell you jake but she's fine

Jake : i  its just that i never mind

Lilly : i understand  what were you going to say big brother

Jake : its nothing

Lilly : you can talk to me you know

Jake : are you sure

Lilly : of course i am

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