chapter 15

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When i saw Hannah running towards us i wanted to be next to her but she stopped me when i woke up this morning i didn't think my day would end in me getting shot especially by my wife i saw the look on her face and  in that moment i understood everything but i was still taken by surprise when the first bullet hit the vest with such a force it pushed me back when the second  hit almost at the same time she shot me in the arm i literally fell over I could sense someone behind me then i heard him
Mac " just lay here don't move "
What was her aim in doing this ? She would never intentionally hurt me i heard the screaming and yelling  then i heard someone else i recognized it was the director
Director " is he ? "
Mac " No he's alive she needs to think he's dead "
When i heard him saying that i was dead it all made sense this was what she was talking about after what seemed like forever i heard mac
Mac " you can get up now "
Just as i sat up i saw her falling over i got up and started running towards her
Jake " shit catch her "
They were all looking at me like i was crazy when i got to her she was out
Jake " come on babe open your eyes "
Shit she wasn't moving
Jake " mac get the car "
Mrs mc " Jake she's now your wife it's important that we be somewhere neither of Us can stay we'll call you soon take care of her "
Mr mc " I'll call ahead and let them know who you are "
Jake " thank you and i will "
Just then mac pulled up with my car i lifted her up and got in with her .
Phil " which hospital ?"
Jake " you guys go in and relax "
Lilly " like hell we're coming too "
Mac " we need to go I'll call you on the way and let you know "
Mac took off she still hasn't moved i kept holding on to her she was my life
Jake " come on angel wake up please don't do this to me now "
What seemed like forever we got to the hospital my father-in-law called ahead for us because the minute we pulled up to the emergency room her doctor was already there waiting for is
Doctor " what happened to her "
So i explained as best as i could
Doctor " okay jake calm down i warned her She shouldn't stress herself out  I'll make sure both of them are okay we need to check her wait here "
I was losing my mind i couldn't lose her i just looked at mac i could tell he was worried about her i was on pins and needles pacing back and forth
Mac " you can take the vest off "
Jake " no i can't
Mac " she was the one that had you wear it "
What did he mean so when I asked him he told me everything  she knew Hannah would show back up she wanted to protect me , but she didn't think about herself and our child what if Hannah had shot her instead. I heard a commotion behind me when I turned around phil and the others were walking in .
Lilly " how is she ?"
Thomas " what did the doctor say ?"
Jake " we don't know anything yet "
Lilly " I'm sorry jake i didn't have anything to do with this "
Jake " it's ok i believe you "
Just then her doctor walked out of the room and walked over to us
Director " i have some good news and bad News "
Jake " Are they okay ?"
I saw the looks the others gave me
Doctor "the baby is okay but she isn't her heart is beating too fast , her blood pressure is off the charts the only way to keep her stable was to keep her in a medically induced coma "
I fell into the chair behind me Lilly walked over to me
Lilly " what do you mean a coma ?"
Doctor " well everything that transpired today is the reason her bp shot up if she's awake she won't stop thinking , she's going to want to talk about things which will cause her to be more stressed the only other time i ever saw someone's heart the same as hers was when that patient was scared to death. Think of it like this she's in a deep sleep no thinking and no dreaming we'll keep checking her every hour to make sure the anesthetic doesn't wear off we need to be careful of the baby also "
Jessica " can we see her ?"
Doctor " of course she's in a private room away from everyone else "
Jake " i need to call her parents "
Mac " Jake, are you okay ?"
Jake " I'm fine "
Doctor " there's blood on your arms "
Jake " of yea i got shot "
Doctor " come on I'll take a look at you"
Jake " later please i need to see her "
Doctor " okay follow me "
We followed him to room when i walked in she looked like she was sleeping my heart was breaking for her she's been through so much in the short while we were together
Phil " She's pregnant ?"
Jake " yes "
Richy " almost every time we meet her it's in the hospital "
Jessica " when will this be over will we ever have our normal lives back ?"
Thomas " i hope this is it "
Phil " she'll be okay ,i know you won't leave her we'll head back to the house"
Jake " I'm really sorry about all of this mac will take you back "
Richy " Don't be we care about mc and you also we'll stick around until she's better if that's okay with you "
Jake " it's okay with me "
Mac " are you sure you'll be okay "
Jake " i will thank you mac "
After they left the doctor walked back into the room
Doctor " I'm assuming you won't be leaving so I'll have another bed brought in , she'll be okay "
He just patted me on the back and left i walked over to her and took her hands in mine I called her parents her father answered on the first ring
Mr mc " Jake how is she ?"
Jake " she's not okay dad she's in a medically induced coma "
I told him everything after i hung i just looked at her
Jake " i need you , I can't do this without you love , I'm not angry at you for the decision you made i understand it , i accidentally called your father dad, please angel come back to me"
She was still sleeping what has our life become i wanted to keep her safe just then my phone started ringing i answered it
Jake " yes director "
Director " Hannah donfort is officially mentally unstable , we evaluated her as per your wife's wishes , we are going to admit her to a federal institute she won't ever escape , at the moment she's sitting in a corner playing with her hair staring off into space "
Jake " she asked you to evaluate her?"
Director " yes according to her some of the things Hannah did wasn't what a mental person would do but i believe she was a bit unstable ,when she saw you get shot it tipped her over the edge right now she thinks you're dead Do you want to talk to her ?"
Jake " No let her keep thinking it"
Director " okay , how is your wife "
I explained to him  after a short conversation he hung up i just looked at her
Jake " Hannah won't ever come back thank you angel , but i need you to come back to me i miss you please "
I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down. I cried because she was my everything and she was lying here because of me .

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