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Mc : i love you too

Jake : you need to sleep ,you need that medicine

Mc : not yet please

Jake : have you changed your mind about staying away from me ?

Mc : no i haven't

Jake : please Rethink it Angel we're both going to hurt because of your decision

Mc : i know but i can try to live knowing you're safe i won't be able to if you get caught

Jake : if that's what you want then I'll do it for you . Call the nurse you need to sleep ..... Angel

Mc : yes  jake

Jake : please don't flirt with the nurse

Mc : okay Jake  after I take that medicine please stay with me until I fall asleep .

Jake : i will

Mc : promise me

Jake : i promise Angel

I buzzed for the nurse but when I looked back he was gone i heard the door open and the doctor and nurse came in

Doc : so mc you ready to go to sleep now

Mc : yes i am

Doc : ok I'll be giving you an extra half dose because you didn't take it earlier

Mc : ok doc

Nurse :  what no teasing Mc

Mc  : My boyfriend Doesn't like it

Nurse :  oh  you have one of those well he's a lucky Guy , i would do the same if i were him .

Doc : ok that's enough she needs her rest now . I'll see you in the morning mc

Mc : hey doc can you turn off the lights for me

Doc : sure sweet dreams mc

They left me i was alone  in the dark damn the crap works fast then i heard him he was hiding in the bathroom

Jake : keep your eyes closed Angel

Mc : i can't see plus the lights are off

He came over to me even though my eyes were open i couldn't see a thing i was starting to get drowsy he sat on the bed with me

Jake : you called me your Boyfriend and yet you want me to leave you

Mc : even if you leave you'll always be mine

Jake : and you'll always be mine Angel , You need to sleep

Mc : lay here with me stay  until i fall asleep please

My words were beginning to slur   but i felt him he laid besides me he moved his hands and placed it under my head

Jake : this  feels  right  this is where you belong with me , i love you Angel you came into my life and took a place in my heart before i even realized it . When this is all over I'll come back to you i promise . I'll never stop trying to come back to you . Please say you'll wait for me .

He kept talking to me even though i didn't answer

I couldn't say anything but i cried a silently because i knew it was the end the sleep came effortlessly because he was here but i knew i would hurt in the morning and so would he . There was light in my eyes why was there light in my eyes and then i clicked it was morning i was alone he was gone . He was gone because i asked him to . I looked around the room then the bed . Then i saw it his black hoodie he left it for me . I had told him i had dreams of him in this hoodie i teased him about it i picked it up and smelt it  , it smelt like him this was all i had to remember him by and our  kiss. . what have i done ?. 

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