chapter 3

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After i got home i headed straight up the stairs to find her  she wasn't in the living room or the room where was she? I dropped my backpack and files on the office table then i called her phone and she answered
Mc " yes "
Jake " I'm in our room and you're not her "
Mc " then come find me " she started laughing
Jake " better hide I'm coming for you " i walked through the entire house and couldn't find her
Jake " i give up  angel ,where are you?
Mc " out back by the pool " this woman i headed outside and found her relaxing in one of the chairs
Jake " you had me searching the house and you're here "
Mc " yep " I walked over to her and kissed her
Jake " where's your dad ?"
Mc " work "
Jake " okay did you take your medicine?
Mc " yes i did "
Jake " Come on let's go back inside its hot out here besides i have work to do"
Mc " Okay only if you carry me " i just looked at her and smiled as i was about to pick her up my phone started ringing when i checked it ,phil was calling . I didn't want her to know about any of this so i walked a bit off and  answered it
Jake " Yes "
Phil " Richy had an accident , we're not sure it was an accident or not he was under a car and it fell on him we're at the hospital now , I'll let you know what happens "
Jake " sure let me know what happens"
After i hung up the phone she just looked at me
Jake " its work let's get you upstairs i have some work to do " she didn't answer she just nodded i felt terrible lying to her but what could i do , she's now starting to feel better i wasn't going to have her stressing out .i got her upstairs and took her to the office with me
Jake " Do you need anything angel "
Mc " no "
The way she said it tipped me off that she knew i was lying i just looked at her she basically picked up a book and started reading she was ignoring me.i just walked over to the desk and pulled out my laptops i started reading the files i got this was going to be fun after i started working i got lost in it after 2 hours i looked up and she was still reading she hadn't said one word to me .
Jake " angel "
Mc " yes "
Jake " what's wrong "
Mc " nothing "
Jake " are you angry "
Mc " nope "
Her one word answers were starting to piss me off
Jake " cut it out angel talk to me "
Mc " there's nothing to talk about "
Jake " a few hours ago you couldn't wait for me to  get home , now you're ignoring me "
Mc " A few hours ago you're weren't lying to me "
She looked me dead in the eyes and said it .
Jake " angel "
Mc " no don't angel me ,i get you're worried about me , you don't want me to get hurt again , so you choose to lie to me , if I'm holding you back say so , if you want out of this relationship then say so ,you can't protect everyone it not your job I'm tired of this if whatever this is continues then you won't have a choice I'll make the decision I'll disappear and no one Will ever find me not even you "
After her speech she just got up and walked into the room and slammed the door what the fuck i walked over to the door and tried to open it she locked me out
Jake " open the door angel "
Mc " i need to be alone for now "
Jake " if you don't open this door i will break it down "
Mc " Jake please i need to be alone "
I backed away from the door this was the first fight the first time she wanted me to be away from me willingly i couldn't do anything i went back into the office and left the door open so i could see her when she came out.
I woke up suddenly  feeling uneasy when i looked outside it was dark i checked the clock it was almost 10 in the evening i looked at the door but it was still closed i walked over to it and knocked
Jake " angel come on brooding time is over open the door " no answer
Jake " I'm counting to 10  if you don't open this door I'm breaking it down "
Still no answer something in me said try the door handle when i did the door opened when i walked in she wasn't there huh so i walked all over our apartment and couldn't find her , i Started panicking I ran over to the main house and still couldn't find her where was she i ran into her parents
Mr mc " what seems to be the problem jake " so i explained to him
Jake "  now i can't find her "
Mr mc " I'll have the guards search the compound "
A security guard walked in
Jake " Did she leave ? "
Guard " yes she said to give you this "
Mr mc " why didn't you stop her ?"
Guard " she told me you knew "
After i opened the letter i couldn't believe it .

" I love you too much to be without you you're always worried about me , Hannah won't ever stop .All of this will only lead to one thing and that's me being dead or you , I can't and won't be able to live a life like that . I made the decision I left and I'm not coming back ever again. you won't find me and don't look for me , get back to your life you're free you can have a good life now. No one knows where i am , just remember I'm yours and will always be.Tell my parents not to worry I'll be fine ."

Love always angel

She was gone she left me i couldn't think straight i dropped the paper , she loved me but left me.

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