trouble 2

542 30 7


While we were in the store shopping she kept looking around

Jake : what's wrong

Mc : you're getting a lot of stares

Jake : I didn't notice , besides I'm busy. Have you decided on what you'll wear for our engagement party ?

Mc : i don't know yet if my mother has her way I'll end up in a damn ball gown you do know you'll need to wear a tuxedo right ?

Jake : no absolutely not I'm not wearing a monkey suit , i wore one once for my graduation and will never again.

She started laughing

Mc : a monkey suit where did you come up with that? And you have to wear one please .

Jake : feels like a monkey suit , fine just for one night . You finished.

Mc : yep I'm all set

I went shopping for me and she bought more stuff than i did women ,after we finished we decided getting lunch would be ok we chose a small deli and took seats at the counter what she didn't realize was i was watching everyone around us making sure no one was following us i knew she was mad about Lilly's call this morning and she tried to let it not show after a day of just shopping and walking around with her i was tired as hell , but i was antsy as hell i wanted to get back to hacking it was just who i was . When we got back to the house I left her and went out back with Mac .


Well that was eventful he's relaxing but i guess he missed being himself he hasn't touched his laptop since he was released but i could tell it was getting to him but i didn't say anything i loved that about him I don't want him to change i fell in love with the hacker I need to call jessy .so once in my room i started a group call cleo , dan , thomas , richy and jessy .

Mc : Hey guys, how are you?

Richy : it's been too long

Cleo : well you're looking different

Dan : what's up

Thomas : Hey mc how are you

Jessy : Hey mc how are you ?

Mc : I'm good really good i have news but i don't know if it will be good or bad

Dan : seriously just say good or bad

Cleo : could you maybe not dan

Mc : well I'm engaged

Dan : holy shit

Jessy :oh my god mc  I'm so happy for you congratulations

Cleo : congratulations mc

Just then jake walked in

Jake : Angel I'm heading out with your dad for a few minutes

Dan : well if that isn't hackerman you have a serious problem

Jake : who you talking to

I turned the phone so he could see

Mc : everyone

Jake : Hey , umm Jessica, where is your brother?

Jessy : At the bar I think , congratulations .

Jake : thanks , later babe .Oh remember they have to decide by tomorrow if they'll be here so mac can pick them up .

Mc : bye , i was just about to ask them.

Richy : Wait, you want us to come ?

Mc : of course you guys are my friends

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