chapter 25

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He stayed in bed with me all morning because i wasn't feeling well
Mc " i need to eat "
Jake " what do you want to eat ?"
Mc " i don't know "
Jake " okay why don't you take a shower and I'll get Gerald to bring something up for you and then we'll take a look at the stuff i found "
Mc " okay we'll need to do that before the others get here "
Jake " what time will they get here ?".
Mc " they'll be here around 2 I don't know what they are up to with my mom they won't tell tell me anything "
Jake " They won't tell me either "
I walked into the shower and took a bath when I came out of shower . He was sitting on the bed .
Mc " what's wrong ?"
Jake " i don't know i just feel uneasy it's probably nothing your food is in the living room "
Mc " Aren't you going to eat with me "
Jake " yes I'll take a shower first "
I left him and went out to the living room and sat down. Why was he feeling uneasy? I started eating just as he walked out of the room and joined me while we were eating when my parents walked in .
Mc " morning mom , dad is something wrong ?"
Mom " no sweetheart we just came to give you something "
Jake " oh boy what is it this time ?"
Mr mc " oh don't get riled up beside it's not for either of you it's for your child "
Jake " we don't even know what we're having "
Mrs mc " I do "
This was normal jake and my father going at each other especially when it came to our child it's like they're in a competition  with each other i just looked at them "
Mc " can the two of you stop what is it mom "?
Mom " it's an island "
Jake " Seriously an island , it wasn't enough that you bought one for me , then a jet now my child. What if I decide I want to have 10 kids what then?"
Dad " then they'll all get an island "
It won't stop
Mc " dad , mom thank you Dad you need to stop it's too much "
Dad " nope let me have this. Besides if you have twins it will be better  "


My father-in-law was an over the top man he bought me an island and a jet now my child i know he was doing it out of love but it was getting bad he had and entire room full of toys at this rate we'll have a damn toy store after they left i just looked at her she was smiling
Jake " what's with the smiling "
Mc " just the way you both act "
Jake " are you finished we need to take care of this before the others get here" .
Mc " yes I'm finished let's do it "
We walked into my office and I sat next to her on the sofa and  opened the laptop. The first one I opened was with her and Lilly .

Video 1

Lilly " I'm so sorry Hannah we didn't want this to happen , i miss you but you did this to yourself i hope you can forgive me "

The videos with Jessica ,phil ,cleo and richy went pretty much the same

Video 2

Thomas " we wanted to find you so badly i wanted to find you so bad thinking we could be together after everything but look at where you are now your obsession has you here i wished it was different but I can't be with someone that doesn't love me , Jessy and i are together she loves me and I've come  to love her too i wished you would get better but you won't take care of yourself Hannah i won't be coming again "

She was crying
Jake " why are you crying angel "?
Mc " she's like that because of me i pushed her to that she hurt so many people "
Jake " we tried to make her see reason but she didn't. We had no other choice. Are you sure you're okay with watching the rest of the videos ?"
Mc " yes i am "
So i played the first video from Dan

Video 3
Dan " I'm sorry Hannah i tried to help you ,i know you love jake , but i don't see him nobody talks about him "
Hannah " jake , Jake's right here "

Video 4
Dan " He's not alive Hannah Jake's dead i saw mc  only her no jake "
Hannah " Jake ? Where are you ? He was here what did you do to him "

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