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I had the most amazing dream. I dreamt Jake made love to me. How I wish I started to open my eyes and turn, he was still asleep. That's when i realized i was naked , i sat up instantly, and regretted it i was sore did that really happen ?

Jake : Good morning angel

Mc : umm morning

Jake : really

Mc : umm I'm just , did that really happen last night .

He pulled me back on the bed next to him and just hugged me. I couldn't face him why the hell was I feeling ashamed. It was what I wanted. He probably sensed my distress so he turned my face towards him and kissed me.

Jake : Yes, it happened angel. I wouldn't have done that if I knew you would regret it.

Mc : I don't regret it . It's just that I've had dreams like that soo .

Jake : oh what kind of dreams

Mc : nope I'm not saying anything.

I couldn't help but start laughing .

Jake : Angel we need to talk

Mc : ok what's wrong.

Jake : Phil called you last night

Mc : I told you before I'm not interested in him, you don't need to worry about that.

Jake : I know that , I'm not worried about him , the thing is he didn't know he was talking to me , it's what he said that has me worried.

Oh god what did they do now after he told me what phil said i was worried ,i knew it was Hannah that did that to the car . He tried to hide it but I knew.


I could see her mind working overtime

Jake : I'll call Phil later and talk to him. Why don't you call the others and invite them .

Mc : Sure , are you okay ?

Jake : Yeah, I'm fine . After the party I'll need to go to Duskwood , i don't want you there but i know I won't be able to stop you either .so when we get there it's either you stay with richy at the garage , with cleo or at the Aurora where phil can keep and eye on you I don't want Hannah to know you're there okay.

Mc : Okay but I prefer the garage.

Jake : that's fine with me , come here you look amazing like this

I pulled the sheet away from her

Mc : nope we gotta get up i have a lot to do

I just pulled her back to me  a few hours later when i walked into the kitchen her parents were there

Jake : Good morning everyone

Mr mc : Good morning jake

Just then she walked in

Mc : morning mom , dad

Mrs mc : Good morning sweetheart

As she took a seat her mother kept looking at her , i just kept drinking my coffee

Mrs mc : are you okay sweetheart you're looking a bit flushed

I accidentally spit my coffee out , she just looked at me. I had a hard time trying not to smile but she was oblivious she didn't see the way she looked. What did she expect to happen if I just made love to her in the shower i couldn't say anything. I just kept eating.

Mr mc : Dear let her be if something is wrong she'll tell us or jake

His wife looked at him and I saw him touch her hands and smiled. I could see she was starting to put two and two together because when she looked at me she couldn't help but laugh , angel just looked at her.

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