Broken 2

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Waking up in the morning after crying almost all night is no shame but my eyes were swollen and red. I didn't care. I just needed time for myself. I walked into the kitchen and started making a coffee mac and Phil were sitting there. They just looked at me and said nothing .

Mc  : morning mac , morning phil

Mac : Morning miss, will you be going to visit him today?

Mc : umm no I won't i have some stuff for can you and Phil take it over for him please .

Mac : sure

Mc : thanks mac

I just grabbed my coffee and went back into my room. I felt completely shattered even when I was kidnapped. I didn't feel this was it just took me by surprise the way Lilly spoke to me. I didn't want to hurt anyone, especially Jake . But if this is the reality of being with him then I won't be able to do it , i love him. I want to be with him but Lilly will make sure that isn't possible .I heard a knock at the door so I got up and opened it .

Phil : Hey, are you sure you're okay.

Mc : I'm fine Phil i just , i just don't know anymore I'm tired i just want to be by myself for a while .

Phil.: Ok where is the stuff we need to take for him ?

So I went and got the backpack and handed it to him .

Phil : What should i tell him when he asks why you didn't come with us.

Mc : Just tell him to call me.

Phil : ok we're leaving now so lock the doors and be careful.

Mc : i will thanks again phil

Phil : hey mc

Mc : yes Phil

Phil : please don't cry anymore

Mc : I'll try

They left and I locked all the doors and headed back to my room. I really didn't want to do anything or see anyone. I just needed to be alone . Why was she being so mean to me? I know she's worried but god dammit she should know better .


I needed to call her Lily is making a mess of everything there's a reason i didn't want her to know i was here i just laid there

Guard : you got a visitor .

That was weird. I knew she wasn't coming so who ? Maybe phil as i got up and walked out i felt strange that was new when we got to the room and the guard open the door the minute I walked in someone ran into me i thought it was her then i saw Lilly and i realized it was Hannah i pushed her away from me

Jake : What are you doing here?

Lilly : what do you mean we have a right to be here

Hannah : Jake, I missed you. I knew you would find me .I love you so much .

I just looked at Lilly

Jake : You didn't tell her, I still can't believe you didn't tell her .

Hannah : tell me what

Oh boy this was going to be a long visit and not a pretty one .

Jake : Hannah I understand how you feel but I don't feel the same way , I'm in love with someone else . Lilly was supposed to tell you the minute you were found . I am your half brother .

Hannah : no that's not true it can't be Lilly is this true ?

Lilly : yes okay but she's not right for you while you're in here she is screwing around with phil out there.

I heard enough that I didn't realize I did it but I slammed my hands down on the table and she went silent .

Jake : I know. I know you called her last night. I know everything you said to her .

Lilly : what did she tell you , lies probably

Jake : Stop it Lilly i know her well enough to know she would never tell me about it , but Phil did  yes Phil called me and told me.

Lilly : You know and you still want her ? She's with Phil for christ sake .why would she be there with Phil .

Jake : Because I sent Phil to her , I needed him to watch her so I sent him there .I want you both to leave and don't come back, don't call her , don't text her, leave her alone . I didn't want to do this but you're forcing me .

Lilly : Really Jake you're choosing her over family .

Jake : I don't want to choose but if you keep forcing my hand then I'll choose her , I'll choose her over anyone else. Do you understand me Lilly? Now the two of you should go back to Duskwood .

Hannah was quiet. She didn't say anything. I didn't want to do this. The angel did everything for me. She practically put her life on hold for me. I know she's going to be mad as hell when she finds out what happened here but I didn't care.

Hannah : Why her ?

Jake : because she sees me as the real me, not what I show everyone else but me. She is smart ,kind , selfless and would do anything for me. She's the first person I've ever truly loved with my whole heart .

Hannah : So you never loved me , back then when we used to email each other .

Jake : no i just wanted to find out about you and lilly when I realized you were falling in love with me i pulled away. I love you as a brother and nothing more . Thomas loves you.

There was a knock at the door the guard came in

Guard : you've got two more visitors

Oh good i hoped to god it was angel i wanted to get this over with but mac and Phil walked in then the guard closed the door .

Jake : mac where is

He just shook his head

Mac : I'll wait outside

she wasn't here she didn't come .i looked at Phil

Jake : Where is she ?

Phil : Well after the shit Lilly pulled last night , this morning her eyes were swollen and red so I'm guessing she cried all night . She just told us she wanted to be alone for sometime . Mac and I will probably stay away all day so she can be alone .

I looked at Lilly. She was quiet. I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do anymore .

Lilly : you can't believe what he is saying, how do you know they're not lying to you huh. They probably slept together last night and made up…..

I didn't give her a chance to finish that sentence

Jake : LEAVE TAKE YOUR SISTER AND LEAVE DON'T EVER COME BACK HERE , I've made my choice i choose her you'll always be my sisters  but she means more than either of you will understand either you accept it or stay away from me and her.

I didn't even look at them. I couldn't. They were trying to destroy the one thing that made me happy that gave me hope . She grabbed Hannah's hand and left

Phil : Here she sent this for you .I didn't touch her man I swear but we left her in a miserable state. She misses you but she's confused here. Talk to her, I'll wait outside .

He gave me his phone and walked outside i dialled her number after the second ring she answered

Mc : What now Phil I'm not in the mood for your nonsense .

Jake : Angel

Mc : Jake I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm just tired

She was crying I could hear her

Jake : no angel please don't cry i love you . I chose you. I'll always choose you. Please don't cry, please wait until I can hold you in my arms  .

Mc : I'm sorry I don't want you to choose .

Jake : no she won't stop i needed her to understand .

Mc : What did you do ?

Jake : I did the right thing Angel .

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