chapter 14

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It was a rowdy bunch that boarded the jet they were talking a mile an hour after we landed they were still talking Lilly was extremely quiet only speaking if one of the others asked her something i stayed quiet also because i was still feeling nauseous my phone started ringing when i checked it my father was calling
Mc " hey dad "
Dad " have you landed ?"
Mc " yes we just landed we're on our way home "
Dad " we have a problem "
Mc " oh okay what is it ?"
I couldn't let Jake hear any of this because I knew it was about Hannah. It just had to be .
Dad " she jumped out of the damn car"
Mc " who ?"
Dad " that crazy girl the director just called me , they were bringing her here to keep her close by . how the hell does she keep getting away ?"
Mc " i don't know "
Dad " Is Jake wearing the vest ?"
Mc " yes dad "
Dad " be careful mac has your gun are you sure about this ?
Mc " yes i am "
After i hung up he just looked at me
Jake " What's wrong ?"
Mc " nothing dad just called to check in they're waiting for us  oh i need to speak to mac"
He just looked at me and smiled i walked over to mac
Mc " give it to me she got away again"
He just nodded. I turned around to face Jake and Mac handed it to me. I stuck it behind me in the shorts Jessy lent me . On the drive home i was uneasy i just felt weird i kept staring out the window
Jake " What's wrong ? You're Extremely quiet "
Mc " just thinking "
Jake " care to explain "
Mc " just everything "
When I saw the gates I was starting to feel relieved, We made it home without any incidents. The limo parked a good way from the front door so we got out. My parents came out to meet us, I was ahead of everyone . When i walked up the stairs I barely heard my mother say the words " oh my god " and there she was Hannah running towards us with a gun in her hands jake started walking towards me
Mc " stay where you are jake "
She got closer until she was standing in front of the limo. She raised the gun and pointed it at me  and Mac started walking towards her .
Mc " mac leave her alone "
Jake " mc what are you doing "
He was still trying to walk towards me. They were all looking at me I only hoped I was  doing the right thing I pulled the gun out from behind me and placed it to my head i heard my mother behind me
Mc " everyone stays where they are "
Jake " this isn't funny mc "
Boy was he pissed but he was scared too
Mc " am i laughing ?"
I looked at Hannah she was surprised
Mc " this was what you wanted right me dead so you could have jake "
Hannah " i really don't care as long as i have jake "
She was relaxing she started lowering the gun because she realised all the attention was on me and not on her anymore i pulled the gun away from my head
Mc " How much do you love jake "
Hannah " More than anything in the world "
I looked at jake
Mc " if i die right now what would you do jake ?"
I saw the look that passed on his face
Jake " don't do it "
Mc " what would you do ?"
Jake " I'd rather die than be without you "
Mc " So how Hannah ? How do you aim to get Jake when he doesn't want to live without me ? If i die because of you he'll hate you, he'll never want to see your face ever again "
Hannah " No he'll love me eventually "
Mc " you still don't understand , would you die for Jake Hannah ?"
She seemed to he thinking about it my parents were still standing behind me  so i whispered to my father to call the director
Mc " how do you claim to love him but you have to think about it if you'd actually give your life for him "
Jake " mc please don't do this "
I was starting to feel the strains of the day i just looked at him
Mc " How much do you love me Jake"?
Jake " More than anything in this world Angel you know that "
Mc " I love you too "
He was still trying to walk towards me and so was phil
Mc " jake stay where you are  you too phil "
I looked at Hannah 
Mc " there is only one way this ends i love you jake more than anything i promised i would protect you to the end I'll always be here for you i just wanted you to be free and happy but Hannah won't ever stop ,she wants you , and we want each other so where does that leave us ?
Jake  " its okay angel "
Mc " Jake you know how much i love you right ?"
Jake " i do "
Mc " would you die for me ?"
Jake " yes i would angel  if I die right now I'd be happy because i had you "
This was it. I just looked at Hannah and raised the gun and pointed it to Jake. I saw the look that passed over his face before he masked it . Hannah dropped the gun.
Mc " then Die …  I'm sorry "
I shot him three times two times on the chest and the third time his arms i saw the blood the force from the bullet made him fall over i just looked at mac quickly mac knew what he had to do  that was when the screaming started Lilly Jessy and cleo too my mom ran over to jake
Hannah " what have you done you killed him "
She was crying acting  hysterical
Mc " you wouldn't let him be happy , you were bent on making his life miserable now neither of us can have him "
Hannah " no no no no no he's dead she killed him he's dead "
I saw it that broke her seeing jake like that pushed her over the edge she was laughing and crying both at the same time pulling her hair at the same time i saw the SUV pull up i saw two agent's grab Hannah but she wasn't putting up a fight she kept looking at jake laying on the ground the director walked over to him  bent down and spoke with mac he stood back up and looked at us
Director " I'm sorry but he's dead "
Hannah " no no no jakes dead no no no please no "
Mc " you wanted me dead ,but  you killed him  Hannah ,you did it  i love him but you were too blinded by hate , anger , and jealousy you killed our child , you took away his sleep his peace of mind you killed him "
She started laughing and pulling her hair. I knew it would drive her crazy. I felt my heart break a little because I didn't want that for her. I wanted her to be okay to be happy to have what Jake and I had with Thomas but she threw it all away over her crazy obsession. she wouldn't stop after the agents placed her in handcuffs and took her away i was still standing there i think i lost all sense of reality after what seemed like forever  and every single pain , stress and emotion that i went through that day all caught up to me at once because all i can remember was the floor coming up to my face and pair of shoes running towards me the last thing i heard was  " shit "then everything went black.

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