chapter 6

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A part of me didn't want to hear what she was going to say but i needed to know
Mc " i can't turn back now , it's just that I miss him so much "
Shannon " i still don't understand this whole situation , explain it to me please"
Mc " the girl that we were trying to find back then is his half sister ,they used to talk years ago and he pulled away from her when he realised she was falling in love with him"
Shannon " oh shit but you guys found her and she knows so what's the problem?"
Mc " her sister was supposed to tell her the minute she was found but she didn't , Hannah has the Idea that jake was supposed to find her and they would be together ,she loves him and doesn't believe he's her brother "
Shannon " Well that explains why she's after you , but do you think leaving him was the right thing to do ?"
Mc " what else am i supposed to do ? He's always worried about me , he doesn't know what to do about her anymore . He's always stressed even though he doesn't say anything i see it. I don't want him to have to worry about all of that "
Shannon " if you're sure but you should have talked to him"
Mc " he came home yesterday and we had an argument simply because phil called him and he looked me right in the eyes and lied to me "
Shannon " but Texas why Texas ?"
Mc " it's not too far away and i like Texas shit Shannon pull over i feel like throwing up "
Shannon " shit hold on "
Why was she throwing up was she sick , so she was going to texas at least i knew where she was going when the time is right I'll bring her home . They were quite for a while then i heard them.
Shannon " Did you take your medicine?"
Mc " yes i did "
Shannon " Are you sure Jake won't find you ?"
Mc " as long as i stay away from anything connected to the internet and security cameras he won't "
Shannon " you both seemed so happy that night i just want you to be happy and right now you're not i know you're trying to hide it but you're hurt and sad"
Mc " i just can't he's the first person I've ever fallen in love with , my first ,when i met him he tried to  avoid talking about his feelings. But i told him i liked him, back then if he didn't want to say something he would go offline immediately. but gradually i got him to open up I love him so much "
Shannon " i hope this is over soon and you'll both be together again"
Mc " i hope so too "
I disconnected the call and just sat there looking at the screen i knew i was her first but to hear her say it made me more determined to end all of this Just then her father walked into the office
Mr mc " any luck yet "
Jake " She's with Shannon going to texas "
Mr mc " then what are you still doing here ,go get her or call Shannon and tell her to turn around "
Jake " she thinks she's doing the right thing  maybe she's right if she stays away I can sort this out"
Mr mc " but can you stay away from her ?"
Jake " no i can't "
I called Shannon with her phone and put it on speaker after four rings she answered
Shannon " hey mc how are you feeling?"
Jake " turn around Shannon bring her back "
Shannon " umm how ?"
Mc " jake please "
Jake " No angel you're not going I'm not staying away from you if you're still determined to leave I'm coming there too "
Mr mc " Shannon turn around and bring my daughter back home "
Shannon " yes sir "
Mc " Shannon don't you dare turn this car around "
Shannon " sorry mc i can't go against your dad "
Mc " traitors you're all a bunch of traitors "
Jake " you can be mad at me later angel just come home I'll be waiting for you"
She didn't answer  i hung up the phone and looked at her father
Jake " Are we doing the right thing ?"
Mr mc " as long as she's here she'll be safe her mother is worried about her  so is mac he feels like he failed because she left "
Jake " i feel that way too because i was right here and she sneaked out "
Mr mc " Don't she can be sneaky just pray they get back soon "
After those words he left i sat there and i turned on the tracker to find Shannon's phone they were on their way back . I paced the office for what seemed like hours i remember i needed to tell Jessica and the others so i texted Jessica
Jake " i found her you were right she's with Shannon I'll let you know as soon as she's here, thank you "
Jessica " okay I'm relieved to hear that I'll let the others know "
I heard my laptop beeping when i checked it i saw Shannon's car coming in through the gate i had  connected the house cameras when she left  i just shook my head and smiled i needed to watch her more carefully i walked down and went to the front door i just stood there with folded hands looking at her she wouldn't look me in the eye. He father and mother walked out Shannon was looking a bit embarrassed
Mr mc " I'm not angry at you Shannon after all you two are best friends thank you for bringing her back "
Mrs mc " Sweetheart you had me so worried about you "
Mc " I'm fine mom "
I saw her face change
Jake " what is it "
Mc " I think I'm going to throw up "
Her mother grabbed her and walked her over to the other side of the house
Mr mc " has she been sick since she left with you ?"
Shannon " yea pretty much , about four or five times "
Mrs mc " come on Jake why don't you take her up and we'll call the doctor to come check her up Shannon come on you'll stay her and tomorrow I'll have Mac drive you home "
She was about to protest so i just picked her up and walked into the house i took her back into our apartment and walked straight into the room with her . I put her to sit on the bed and just stood there and looked at her ,she looked everywhere else but would not look at me
Jake " you seriously underestimate my ability to find you angel "
Mc " what else was I supposed to do you kept lying to me "
Jake " because i don't want you to be worried "
Mc " how can i not be worried when you're worried ?"
Jake " i just want you to be safe and happy "
Mc " are you happy ?"
Jake " what kind of question is that of course I'm happy "
Mc " yes minutes of happiness and the rest of the time worried I don't want that for you "
Jake " so leaving me would have been better i don't see how "
I walked over to her and sat next to her i took her hand in mine. She was staring at our hands but she didn't say anything .
Jake " angel as long as i have minutes of happiness with you that's all i need , i can't have a life without you yes I'm worried but i guess I'll always be worried when it's about you, i know i shouldn't have lied to you trust me i felt terrible lying to you ,but i didn't want you to he worried about anything i just needed you to trust that i would take care of it "
Mc " i know but i can't help being worried about you too ".
Jake " as long as you're with me i can deal with anything just don't leave again ok "
Mc " okay "
Jake " promise me angel "
Mc " fine i promise "
I looked at her i needed it in that moment to confirm that she was really back home with ne so I kissed her and i knew in that moment I'd do anything to have this life with her.

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