chapter 17

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I remember the floor coming up to my face this had to be a dream this couldn't be real we were in the hospital i was with jake and mac Lilly was with us too we were in one of the rooms the doctor was cleaning Jake's hand where i shot him he hasn't said two words to me
Mc " jake ... jake "
Why wasn't he talking to me was he mad at me
Jake " How could you claim to love me then shoot me ?"
Mc " I'm sorry i didn't have any choice "
Jake " if you had told me we would have figured something out "
Mc " I'm sorry jake "
Lilly " you've done enough ,Jake it's Time you moved on "
Mc " No you can't leave me "
Jake " well i can't be with you ,you lied to me mc you hurt me was that the plan all along ? "
Mc " no Jake I'm sorry "
Lilly " I'm leaving and I'm taking my brother he Will never have a happy life with you "
Mc " no please don't take him "
Jake " Why should I stay ? All because you're pregnant ? I never wanted to have a child or get married ?"
No he didn't mean it he couldn't mean it
Mc " you said you loved me you promised me "
Jake " that was a mistake i was too caught up "
Mc " no you don't mean it "
Jake " i do i want out of this marriage even Jessica wouldn't put me in harm's way maybe I'll be happier with her "
Lilly " you will big brother let's go "
He couldn't leave me this can't be real i grabbed onto him
Mc " No you can't leave me "
He just pulled his hands away from me and looked at me coldly
Jake " sorry mc but i don't want to be with you anymore i don't love you ,let me live my life "
Mc " i love you this is going to kill me you can't leave me "
Jake " i really don't care mc goodbye"
This couldn't be happening. I started screaming but no sound came out. I started crying what was happening to me and just like that something pulled at me when I saw him i held onto him begging him not to leave me .


Even though her eyes were closed She didn't stop crying mac left us alone
Jake " Talk to me angel, what's wrong ? Did I say something ?"
Mc " you hate me because i hurt you "
She was hiccuping now was that what she thought
Jake " Angel no i don't hate you neither am i mad or angry at you "
Mc " yes you are , Lilly wants to take you away , you don't want me or our child you said so yourself "
Wait what i know I didn't say anything of the sort
Jake " Angel you passed out yesterday you just woke up you've been asleep since yesterday we've been here alone with mac "
Mc " no That can't be you're lying to me Lilly was just here "
She started crying again i needed to explain it to her
Jake " look at me angel "
She wouldn't look at me so i turned her face towards me
Jake " your blood pressure was off the charts your heart was beating faster that it ever should the doctor had you in a medically induced coma to make sure you and the baby survive , it was a dream just a dream i would never ever leave you , i love you too much you're the reason I'm having a life , we're having a baby no one angel no one can ever take me away from you"
Mc " it didn't feel like a dream I'm scared i won't be able to tolerate it if you leave me "
Jake " you won't ever have to worry about that because I won't ever leave you "
Just then the others walked in i knew the minute she saw Lilly because she held onto me tighter this really was bothering her so i pulled out my phone and texted mac
Jake " mac get phil outside and explain to him what happened she's scared she thinks Lilly is trying to take me away from her "
I put the phone back onto the bed and mac walked in and got phil after a while Jessica checked her phone and walked outside then one by one they left i couldn't have anyone around Her right now especially Lilly because she won't want to talk just then my phone started ringing it was Phil
Jake " yes Phil "
Phil " I'm assuming she's not going to want to talk and jessy and cleo well they are itching to ask her questions but they are also worried I'll talk to Lilly we'll be leaving this afternoon can you get the jet for us "
Jake " sure just tell mac and thanks "
Phil " sure no problem just make sure she's ok "
Just then Lilly walked into the room if i thought she couldn't hold me any tighter i was wrong
Lilly " mc i know what you're afraid of ,i know I've been mean to you in the past forgive me for my ignorance but trust me when i say I'm not trying to take jake away from you and your baby i won't do that i want you both to be happy I'll be leaving with the others this afternoon i hope you get better soon "
After that she left i just looked at her
Jake " see love I'm not going anywhere "
Just then her doctor walked on
Doctor " well it's good to see you awake if everything is okay then you can leave today jake can i have a word with you "
Jake " I'll be right here "
I got off the bed and walked over to where he was standing
Jake " What's wrong ?"
Doctor " i think you should take her away somewhere far where its just the two of you alone it will be better for her health overall "
Jake " okay i will is everything okay ?"
Doctor " yes her stats look better I'll start the paperwork and she'll leave in a few hours "
After he left I went back to her.
Jake " how about we go to the island for a short vacation just me and you "
Mc " just me and you ?"
Jake " yes but if you don't want to its okay
Mc " yes i want to "
Jake " okay love "
I really hoped this helped her i wanted her back i wanted the old angel back i called mac and told him what was happening then I called Gerald to pack our bags after she fell asleep I called her parents and told them everything i laid there how many hours looking at her
Jake " i need you to stop being scared of me leaving it won't ever happen "
Mc " i can't help it "
Shit i thought she was asleep
Jake " shouldn't you be sleeping love "
Mc " i can't "
Jake " stop thinking she's gone, never getting out . i love you angel never forget that "
Mc " i love you too "
She just opened her eyes and looked up at me
Mc " jake "
Jake " yes angel "
Mc " kiss me "
I gladly did as she asked if she needed me to reassure her that I loved her I would everyday.

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